People who worry for you don’t see the strength in themselves either.
It doesn’t matter if they don’t see you for who you are, because as long as you see you? You know the truth.
Projecting their small self onto you, keeps them in their small world. Don’t get pulled down by them, or try to change their perception of you. You just wasted energy. Instead, can you have compassion for the small place they’ve put themselves in? Because that’s hard.
They’ve put themselves there – but don’t let them put you there too!
Don’t get pulled out, or dragged out of your beautiful vibration by their small version of you.
It’s really them that they’re dealing with, not you. They just don’t want to look at themselves, so they say that, “you’re this” or “you’re that.” Big compassion + big boundaries = freedom from their prison.
And also shadow work. Because if you project onto me that I’m a victim or the perpetrator? And I’ve already owned those shadows? Your projections have no power over me.
We start tomorrow, owning our shadows to alchemise our dark into light. Join us for these master classes to become the alchemist you were born to be. Last chance here.

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