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The world + Free Resources!

By October 12, 2023No Comments

There’s a lot going on, on the planet right now, and if you’re feeling powerless, like, “What can I do?”

There is a wonderful internal process you can do.

If like me, you’re supporting in the way you can and you are praying for them, a powerful way to help yourself and this planet is to ask yourself:

“Where is this external war that I see, still in me?”

Where are you still fighting yourself? Not being kind to yourself? Saying you’re going to do one thing but do another? Where are you killing your dreams by sabotaging yourself today with thoughts that stop you from taking action?

When we heal the internal war, there cannot be an external war. So within, so without.

Today I have healed a part of me that was feeling scared of taking action in case I got it wrong. I was very very kind to that part of me and now I just feel peace.

We want this baseline of peace in our bodies. If enough of us heal the war within we create a huge ball of peace on this planet.

And if you’re already thinking, this is more pressure! Can you be really kind to the part of you who is feeling that today? And let peace spread into the whole of your body.

What’s happening in my world…

Doors are closing midnight this Friday to join The Goddess Template® where we’re deeply embodying our feminine energy to expand into our magic and power! We’ve already done our first potent magical class!  if this is calling you You can join us here 

I was interviewed on the Gutsy Podcast on flourishing after narcissistic abuse, having boundaries and really doing YOU so you RISE. It was fun and powerful! I LOVE this woman (Laura is her name! You can listen to that here.

Narcissistic Fathers and the Father Wound – you can watch my video here on it.

Narcissistic Mothers and The Mother Wound – you can watch my video here on it.

Narcissistic Abuse: When you talk to people and who don’t understand and they say, “But it’s your mum/dad/sister/brother/fill in the blank…!” – you can watch my video here on it.

I was interviewed on Storm radio on romantic relationships including sex! OO was fun! Start it at the 21 minute mark. You can listen to that here.

Have a great week!

LOVE to you xxx

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