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This is not a bandaid, or a ‘quick fix’ or a gimmic….it’s the real healing work that creates change in real time.

I said yes to flourish as I had worked with Marina before and very excited by what she was offering in Flourish. I felt that it was offering everything I needed in terms of healing & growing all in a supportive environment. a couple years out of a domestic abuse marriage, I felt ready to really start taking care of me with the guidance and challenge of Marina’s Flourish content & structure.

Flourish is like having a mirror held up to me…helped me to see my truth, see the stories I was living, the limiting beliefs I still held, the shadows I needed to meet (light and dark), befriend, own & integrate. Being in the group brought me love & friendship, MASSIVE SUPPORT & showed me unhealed parts of myself through my reactions to group members.

Flourish has mostly helped me REALLY start loving myself – not just saying it. It’s helped me stop punishing myself at every turn. It’s helped me to find the balance between feeling to heal and being controlled by my emotions. Flourish had improved my relationship & trust with myself and God by lightyears! I now go inward & ‘upstairs’ way more for my answers & stability rather than looking outside of myself to be rescued. Flourish has helped me see my value & that is priceless. Flourish has also helped me to let go of control & to turn to my needs over everything/eveyone else.

I had no hesitations about joining Flourish as I know Marina’s value.

Flourish is the real deal because it’s not a bandaid, or a ‘quick fix’ or a gimmic….it’s the real healing work that creates change in real time.

I love you Marina…so grateful to YOU!


The power had been re-distributed from her now ex-husband back to her and her children – where it belonged.

Gabriella DM’d me: “I’m afraid that it will be yet another program that I sign up for and then not do. I don’t know how I could ensure that I will show up for the first lesson, hence my hesitation.”

I thanked Gabriella for being so honest and told her my 8-week Shadow Alchemy Course wouldn’t be a fit if she wasn’t sure that she would show up and – that there was nothing wrong with her that she wasn’t sure…

… it was either that she hadn’t received the right kind of support to date or she hadn’t gone deep enough to heal herself to her core. I handed her power back to her and the next day she joined us! At the time she was married to a narcissist and had two children. She’d run a successful business and she was drowning in his abuse, the inside of her head that told her it was normal and that she was the problem. She was scared to leave him and didn’t want to break up the family.

8 Weeks into the 8 week course, she separated from him and he moved out.

They’d been together 15 years. Her children were relieved. The old light was beginning to return to her and she was stepping into this power she knew she had inside. She’d had one transformation after another in rapid succession during the course. And then she joined Flourish, my membership for women who want to flourish after narcissistic relationships (Because FUCK YES this is MORE than possible, all of us in Flourish are living proof!) Gabriella moved house with her children into a brand new area and began again – she started a brand new business, healed from parental narcissistic abuse and no longer feared the power and financial power that her husband had.

The power had been re-distributed from her now ex-husband back to her and her children – where it belonged.

To date, Gabriella is no longer scared of him or ruminates about what he might do – he is now like a mildly irritating gnat that she brushes off her shoulder very occasionally. As she says, “This has been an amazing 18 month long journey. I was still married when I joined, now I’m happily divorced, moved house, loving myself and my life and I truly am flourishing. I couldn’t have asked for more from any program!”

8 weeks led to freedom, power, and a life she loves!

“The uncanny talent narcissists have is that they see your power before you see it yourself. They exploit it and syphon it away from you by making their wants and needs more important than yours. Marina has the same amazing ability except she reflects your power back to you. You may see yourself as broken who needs fixing, but she sees you in your full power and in all your awesomeness. She holds this vision for you until you’re able to see it yourself and then she helps you fully embody it.

You gotta be brave enough to feel all the feels and face your scariest shadows. You gotta put in the time and the effort, but if you do, you will not be the same person after having worked with Marina. You will be more of your true self, which means you will be more peaceful, loving, and vibrant, and a more powerful creator of your reality than ever, because that’s your true nature. My journey with Marina is a testament to that.”


Shadow Alchemy has changed the course of my life. It gave me the clarity, conviction, courage and confidence to end my miserable marriage. 

Clarity because it made me realise I wasn’t the problem, I wasn’t the reason my marriage wasn’t working.
Conviction because I knew that it would never work and it is in everyone’s best interest to end it. I told my husband we should get divorced many times before that, but this time he had to sense that my energy has shifted, I actually meant it and there was no going back.

Courage is the deep knowing that love and truth always wins. So as long as you act from your heart, you will always be alright no matter what.
And unshakable confidence comes directly from working with your shadows. As you integrate them and they are no longer running the show, your power keeps rushing back to you.

The changes didn’t stop there in the Shadow Alchemy Course. I was so impressed and inspired by the transformation coming from working with Marina that I decided this was exactly what I wanted like to do with my life as well. I wished to change lives just as Marina had changed mine. I have signed up for my first (of many) coaching certifications straight away and never looked back.


You can listen to this as a podcast instead if you wish here. 

Episode 45: How Jacqui Found her Remarkable Sparkle in Flourish!

I’ve become my best friend and advocate.

YES this was the BEST decision I made a year ago. I’d moved house & country (England to Wales) and I felt I needed a shift in all areas of my life. I’d been on the periphery of the MJ world and loved all that was being shared, offered and celebrated.

Being in Flourish is like being in a gorgeous cradle of love, empathy, support, celebration, sisterhood and total visibility with no judgements.

The Flourish Collective has helped me listen to my voice, my heart, my head, my soul. I’ve become my best friend and advocate. I’ve expanded in all areas of my life. The learnings have been life changing and life upgrading. I have enjoyed every masterclass with the gorgeous Goddess Tribe and feel I’ve made deep connections and friendships for life. It is such a safe environment to be vulnerable, seen, heard and held.

SWEARING Alert: If you’re thinking of joining, just take the Fuck It Pill and Do It! You have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain. It is the safest space you will ever find yourself in outside of the womb!

Marina is tantamount to being your mother, your grandmother, sister, best friend and soul companion! She sees you, she hears you, she nurtures and cares for you! It is a privilege to be in her orbit. 🙂


I can truly say that I’m loving myself for the first time in my life.

I saw the value in what Marina gave freely in when I attended the 3 day programmes initially so I initially joined Shadow Alchemy then upgraded to Flourish as I felt that I wanted help to shift my old ways and love myself more fully and I felt that I could trust Marina to guide me through.

The on the spot coaching for me was a Godsend with my sister suddenly taking ill and nearly dying so many times last year. I could have lost my mind on a daily basis so I’m eternally thankful for that help in navigating through it by keeping my world safe, not telling stories, helping me to ask for help, attending as many calls as I could, taking care of myself and allowing support in. I felt that I could tell my boss what I could do and have no guilt about it and stand up to poor behaviour from my family then and now for the first time.

I feel like the on the spot coaching has helped me to shift out of old stories and be mindful of my self talk so I stop being so hard on myself which has shifted the way my boss and team treat me and support me. For the first time in 10 years, I called my boss, told him what I needed and boom he was fine with it. A year ago I would left him a message to avoid having any conversation with him. With my team, they actually support me 100% which is the first time ever, we all get along and now my boss also sees my leadership potential to be a Director which I’d love to be instead of dreading it!

I couldn’t have imagined the changes I’ve seen in myself a year ago. Marina is 100% there for you, whether that’s on the calls, offering on the spot coaching or guiding you as which process can support you. She’s totally in her spirit and as I’ve attended loads of courses over the years – she is the bomb, so giving but also pushes you, the value and how much Marina gives is so valuable to help you rise so I’m glad that I invested in myself. I’m a different person now, how I treat myself and let others treat me.

I’m so thankful. I’m so emotional writing this when I look back at this time last year. I can truly say that I’m loving myself for the first time in my life. I now have the tools, processes and love for myself to keep on keeping. Marina for all that you’ve done for me and my sister, I would have had a breakdown and maybe lost my sister. All those Looms you recorded for me during that time, you supported me when I felt like I had no one, not my sister, not my Mum, a man, a supportive family or even friends but I had beautiful rock star you and that carried me through that darkness so I can’t thank you enough.


Marina’s work is absolutely unbelievable.

 During a recent session with her she was able to essentially read my mind & energy by extracting stories / thoughts that were trapped within my subconscious that were therefore keeping me stuck in life. She released them, explained them so clearly to me & then walked me through the most healing practices I’ve ever had.

I left our session feeling lifted and with pure clarity as to my journeys next steps. I cannot recommend her enough, thank you so much – incredible!!


This 8-week Goddess container was the perfect next step to fully reclaim my power, my desires and my glow.

After a lot of inner healing work and shadow alchemy in the last 3 years I noticed that I needed guidance in how to really reclaim my ‘top-notes’ in life.

The Goddess Template course helped me raise my self-love, especially about my body. I received very useful teachings about setting and holding boundaries and I learned the art of asking for help. I really enjoyed learning from a master intuitive coach like Marina in how to skilfully integrate all kinds of different modalities in a session.

I had no hesitations in joining this course. After following a few of Marina’s free sessions I knew this would help me a lot but I was already used to investing in a coach. If you have done a lot of healing work but you are still struggling with reaching your top-notes in life this course will definitely help raise your feminine power. I wanted to learn from a fully embodied Goddess in human form.

Thank you Marina, it was an honor and a pleasure to be in this beautiful container and receive your teachings and coaching. You are a great example of an intuitive coach, I learned a lot from you.


This course and the guidance Marina offers are extremely spot-on and exactly what I needed to move my life forward.

I’ve been in Marina’s world for years, listening to a ton of her free and low-investment classes, and this course was the first time I made a significant investment to work closely with her. I can genuinely say I wish I had started with her sooner, as while I know it was perfect timing,  this course and the guidance Marina offers are extremely spot-on and exactly what I needed to move my life forward. Things that were blocking me from this (for a very long time!) are now gone, and I am so much more embodied in tools that I’ve known for years and yet struggled to master, love, enjoy and implement regularly.

Marina has a way of making even the hardest of things magical, easy and fun while actually getting to the root of the issue to help each person experience who they are truly meant to be in this life. I love her intensity, depth, wisdom, truth and magical way of creating(!!), and if, like me, you’ve danced around her for years, you will not regret choosing to work with her NOW, as, if you put in the time and effort, your life will change significantly, too, to accelerate your future self into this present moment


This course gave me the space to connect deeply to my soul and in week 5 I actually started my business!

When I joined The Creatrix Course, I was just about to start a business but didn’t feel ready to actually start it! This course gave me the space to connect deeply to my soul and in week 5 I actually started my business! Yes! Now I have a real business helping people in a way I absolutely love, I am so happy! This course helped me most in terms of knowing that there is no “right way” of doing things that I need to find, there is only my way, which I was able to uncover. I didn’t have any hesitations about joining the Creatrix Course – none! Marina is a known quantity for me – and I happen to be a big fan!

This course will give you the confidence and the clarity to go for what you want – not in a way that you’d think it would though. I came way with a deeper level of trust in myself and in life as well.

This is a course that I will keep coming back to again and again any time I have a bigger project to work on. Maybe even for smaller ones.


 I finished the 8-week experience and I can’t recommend it highly enough.

Marina gives so much of her personal attention to EACH person.
Even in a group program, Marina gives individualized attention, provides intuitive and insightful comments, and leads every step of the way.
I see many changes in myself during to working with Marina for the past 2 months:
I am more confident
I didn’t even know that I had subtle pessimism or depression,
but I have let go of some really unnecessary thoughts & energies
I am taking action in my business and life daily
I have a way higher self-esteem and self-love
I made some tough choices in my business that were not honoring myself and actually started putting myself and my needs first, so that I feel supported in my business.
As a healer and an intuitive coach myself, I really honor and admire what Marina shares with her clients.


 The Flourish Collective has helped me to wake up to me!

I felt so stuck. There was this feeling of “I’m on the verge of something”, yet I just didn’t know what it was. I was bored of doing the same old, same old. I was unable to put my finger on what it is that I desire for myself & have the confidence to lean in to what that might be & where it might take me.

The Flourish Collective has helped me to wake up to me! I have spent my life thinking I had it all ‘sorted’; that I was good with being the one to look after people; to be the supporter & so I’ve always worked in supporting roles in my career, whilst still feeling that something wasn’t quite right.The most enjoyable aspect of TFC for me has been the unconditional support amongst the members/Goddesses. We each hold space for one another & feel 100% safe to share EVERYTHING.I’ve fallen in love with my dark & light shadows; I am learning every day how to navigate my inside world alongside the outside world – it feels amazing. I am more in my personal power & being my best friend. Giving myself permission to check in with myself & put me first has been life changing.Thank you Marina for showing me how to be my best friend & also how to be with others in all my glorious Goddessness (the dark & the light) – it’s bloody remarkable how different I feel in just a few short months of being in this container.

If you’re thinking of joining Flourish – Goodness, where do I start? I would say, get yourself booked on NOW. Don’t be afraid of the cost. Money is purely energy and the personal evolution that you will experience will bring forth far better opportunities for the energy of money to return to you in spades!! It’s like finally finding that switch to turn your personal light back on to its full brightness. As I type this, my stomach is doing excited cartwheels, because it feels so awesome to know that others will benefit from joining this course.

I’m just so grateful & thrilled to receive the support from Marina, her team and the Gaggle of Goddesses on this course.
I encouraged my sister to join & after a couple of ‘wobbles’ she jumped in. It is such a joy sharing this journey with her. We are forging bonds & friendships with others on the Course & it feels perfect.


Clients started flooding in and in 12 months she 2X her business to $2M

When Michele came to me, she had created a company worth $1M from the ground up. She was brilliant, beautiful and charismatic. But, this high-level CEO was being drained daily by her narcissistic husband, so it was hard to follow through on what she’d planned for the day. She couldn’t move her company as fast as she wanted it to go. She wanted to develop it, but didn’t have the energy or capacity.

Together with her husband for 9 years and married for 7, he was also derailing any chance she had to have a good relationship with her family and grown up children.

He also owed her thousands of dollars. Counselling hadn’t worked the whole time they’d been together.

She was a very good giver but it was hard for her to receive. She said her ability to receive was 4/10.

By the time she came to me, she’d already filed for divorce 5 months earlier, but couldn’t get him to move out. Within 8 days of her first coaching session, we created a plan and he moved out.

Over the course of a year we used every single thing that happened to her, to clear where she was blocking herself from rising. She built her energy and began receiving, easily!

Within a month she was already hearing herself and trusting herself to make the right decisions; She stopped gaslighting herself.

More of her thoughts and energy were now for her and she began rebuilding her company… She fired certain staff members who refused to have a reciprocal relationship with the company and let the right ones in.

Clients started flooding in and in 12 months she 2X her business to $2M. (And she is on the way to 3M this year.)

She was flourishing, her team were walking around happy, motivated and strong.

She was serving her clients in the way she wanted to!

We made it safe for her to receive love. 10 months after her first session with me, she met the love of her life. Ahhhh… x

She’d vibrated all the takers out and healed the strained relationships in her family, let some friends go and also certain projects that were just no longer turning her on. The light came back into her eyes. She ate better, got fit and lost weight. She was loving being herself again. She was having fun. It was now safe for her to feel sexy and beautiful. She was doing things she’d been dreaming about for 10 years.

And all this within a year.


As I dissolved my depression my magic came back!

I had suffered narcissist abuse for over 64 years. I was at an all time low, been there for years and I just couldn’t get myself out of this. I could not get out of the overeating/over drinking and the sleeplessness, depression and loneliness. I kept myself isolated and I was drinking a large amount of alcohol every day. I had been trying to get better for over 47 years and had tried most therapies.

I seemed to attract people who took advantage of me mentally and financially.

Within 8 weeks of private coaching with Marina, I’d stopped drinking completely. I’d lost a stone in those first 16 weeks. During my 9 months of coaching with her I realised my power: That no-one has the authority to take it. I just don’t put up with anybody’s nonsense. I healed the past and the Narcissistic abuse. I feel stronger, I’ve strengthened my boundaries and I believe in myself. I freed myself from the daily self-sabotage that was stopping me from moving forward in life. I am gentler with myself and am no longer over-eating. I start my day with my juices, have certified as a healer and my website is now live! (Marina had been guiding me to see who I really was underneath all the layers.)

I reclaimed my happiness, danced naked and chose ME. I created safety in my body, wore dresses again and started going out to meet new people. And as I dissolved my depression my magic came back!

Marina is amazing, high vibrational and always happy cheerful. I highly recommend her. My new life is here and I am so proud of myself!


I sold my house within a week!

My whole life is changing honestly. You made me feel safe to heal dark things that were going on. I was always completely
comfortable with sharing things to you that I felt I couldn’t share with others.

Gave me the permission to follow my heart and know my desires.
I loved the way you made me see I am worthy of wanting and desiring instead of just staying small.
I have created my desire list and have seen many of them take hold already, such huge shifts in my life.
I sold my house within a week!

I cut off toxic people in my life.
Everything is just coming together in perfect timing. The 5 coaching sessions I received were life changing!
I’ve seen so many major shifts and I can completely say I’m happier than I’ve ever been.


Releasing The Narc Template® is priceless…

The information found in this course heals many deep traumas, wounds and
releases programs of self sabotage and unworthiness.

Releasing the Narc Template is priceless.


I quite literally feel like a new woman in only an 8 week period.

I know that this was the best decision and best investment that I have ever made for myself…

I said yes because I could feel how effective even the 3 free master classes were that were used to introduce it. Marina’s methods are unique, and powerful – I knew from those master classes that the method would be effective for me. I was absolutely ready to level-up. I was ready to thrive, and no longer just survive. The timing was absolutely perfect.

The Shadow Alchemy course has helped provide me with tools that have created a tangible difference in how I view myself and how I deal with situations.

The most important shift I had though, was the ability to stand up to my abusive ex, in an emotionally neutral way, which finally returned a balance of power. The tools throughout the course have been immediately useful, for tackling day to day issues, perceptions of self and others, and have brought me the closest to my higher self that I have been in the longest time.

Other notable changes is I am now open to being seen, something I just couldn’t consider 2 months ago. That includes being more visible on my instagram account, and also becoming open to sharing my gifts through setting up my own healing business. I quite literally feel like a new woman in only an 8 week period. Now that I have gone through the course I know that this was the best decision and best investment that I have ever made for myself, and the quality of the learning is going to serve me for the rest of my life.

Literally, the course is worth so much more but of course you don’t realise this will be the case before you invest. I’m just very glad that I listened to my gut and went all in. Marina’s approach, her dedication, her passion and her knowledge is incredible. She offers the best value for money that you will ever receive in your life.

Your work is powerful and truly transformative Marina. You literally deliver what others claim to, but you are the real deal! But you already knew that, right?! Because you already are the goddess you were born to be! Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Doing Marina’s course is one of the best investments I’ve made…

I felt utterly compelled to leave a testimonial having just completed Marina’s 6 week Igniter Course.
So as I sit outside the Goddess Temple in Glastonbury (no joke)! Here goes…
Doing Marina’s course is quite possibly one of the best investments I’ve made.
If you’re ‘um-ing & uh-ing’ about whether or not to do the course…read on.
I think there are a few things that get in the way of giving back to yourself in a massive way and committing to a course like this (but there’s probably no other course like this), that’s time, money & committing to you. As Marina says – being open to receive 🌷 I totally get it – I was the same.
My own financial concerns, my fear of trying something else that didn’t work. Feeling a failure, stupid and yet again having to look in the mirror and take responsibility – argh. But then I jumped in anyway cos every part of me was yelling ‘YES – DO IT!’
One of the many things I’ve loved so much about this Igniter Course, having done the free 3 Day Receiving Your Flow, was Marina’s total authenticity.
Her innate natural beautiful ability to be radiant with energy, hold grounded, high vibe, upbeat space and completely tune into the collective energy & then individual space, both during the group live sessions and 1-1’s was perfect. Her advice is sound, it works 150% when you commit to the practices she suggests. There’s no airy fairy, new age crap to sift through! Personally I can sense inauthenticity a mile off. Teachers, coaches, mentors can talk the talk but they lack the magical component that makes them totally aligned. Marina is! She weaves incredible intention, life changing principles and energetic prowess via the weekly live calls & 1-1s into your every day life.
So, during the course & upon completion these are the changes I have experienced;
❤️ I’ve waved goodbye to underpaid work.
❤️ I will no longer undervalue myself, my work, my energy therefore potentially jeopardising my health and wellness – no thanks to that!
❤️ I’m in the process of realigning my business so I can work in a more integrated way – I was blocking my own flow of money, as an empath / light worker and healer, I was so used to giving so much of myself away to others and being left exhausted and lately really ill. To me, creating more money meant giving more of my time and energy up, which I felt I just didn’t have leaving me feeling overwhelmed, alone & stuck, now I know this isn’t the case.
❤️ I have released myself and my business from the Narc Template.
❤️ I completely feel the universe has my back.
❤️ Money has arrived in unexpected areas.
❤️ My intuition, seeing and feeling has increased. I feel more sensitised and pleasured.
❤️ I am relocating to a new area in a beautiful apartment that I manifested as I started the course.
❤️ I’ve waved goodbye to the unnecessary glasses of wine, as a way to wind down, release and give myself a pat on the back. I don’t need to do that anymore.
❤️ I feel stronger in my boundaries, putting myself and my self care first as my diary gets busier with collaborations and work which I’m finding so much more joy in.
❤️ I wished to manifest more travel. I’m writing this from Glastonbury and in a few weeks I fly to Turkey for a week with friends before I move. I feel more adventures world wide coming for sure.
❤️ My kids are happy and excited for the relocation.
❤️ I’m happy, grounded, full of hope, I’ve even given up my daily cup of coffee cos I literally just don’t need it!
❤️ I feel fully embodied and empowered to mean it when I say ‘I want it all; all my dreams, all my desires – I will not settle for less & I know that it is coming.
Thank you Marina, you are amazing 💕 and a big fat thank you to myself.
If you’re unsure in whether to do this, from me to you … DO IT. Dive in. You will never look back.
Marina’s the real fucking deal.


The Shadow Alchemy Course helped me birth a brand new program…

I opened myself up to support and money from various sources. I started letting go of people who no longer resonate with what I do, holding my light and started learning to be misunderstood. I enjoyed meeting new people and also they way Marina teaches her work. She not only gets the best out of you, she shows you where you are not showing up in your life.

And I am now showing up and actually DOING the work, as well as BEING. This has been such an extraordinary experience.


Marina’s 6 Week Igniter Course has helped connect me with my inner fire and HIGHER/TRUE SELF again for the first time on a long time.

I was shut down in many ways & the Igniter helped to crack open the door. My boundaries with myself are way better now
and I’m being much more consistent with them. I’m also aware of when I’m in the Narc Template and how it keeps me from receiving.
I’m now desiring things more cleanly and my receiving has increased particularly in the area of support.
I have more volunteers and student teachers at my school and my student roster is full.

What I’m doing differently now is that I’m putting my needs first for the first time in my life and I’m constantly checking in
with myself to see what I need. I am also saying no to Narc behaviors and people…no to rescuing and feeling responsible
for people and no to toxic behaviors.

I enjoyed the entire course…Marina is empowerment personified! I loved the format, the different focus each week, the healing sessions,
the opportunity to heard and seen, the community. It was a truly beautiful experience.


I’ve since manifested a couple of higher paying clients…

In working with Marina and her insights, I cranked up the engine and lifted off the constraints. I’ve since
manifested a couple of higher paying clients who I’m thrilled to team up with,
and invitations to be part of a couple of magnificent ventures with loads of potential and
getting to play with kindred spirit colleagues in the process.

If your well is running dry however that looks in your world,
you would do well to examine what Marina has developed for overcoming the Narc Template
in all facets of your life and work. It’s truly transformative work if you embrace
what she’s sharing and put it into practice for yourself.


This course is kickass! How free do you want to be?!

Honestly I have been wanting to do the deep dive into shadow work for quite some time and the Shadow Alchemy Course aligned perfectly. This was the right time to work on integrating and embodying all of me and feel empowered in doing this work on both the dark and light shadows.

There has been so many shifts since starting this course and to speak specifically to owning my judgement, narcissist, perfectionist and more… it has helped to feel empowered and more embodied in my actions in the physical reality. There has been so much and the support and learning from all of these beautiful and powerhouse Goddesses.

I know my voice and energy has gotten stronger and louder ( if that makes sense) I feel more fully in my body, where before it felt very up in another realm to avoid this reality. Words do not really do justice for what I feel. Thank you!

This course is kickass! How free do you want to be?! That’s how I feel! I am my best investment and if you are ready to take the dive in and get to know and integrate more of your amazingness you should take Marina’s course.

I want to give a deep and heartfelt thank you for the work you do and the overwhelming support. I appreciate you and then some, thank you beautiful Goddess for being a part my journey!

Brittany, USA

I now live in the moment and trust my intuition to guide me through life…

I instinctively felt I could trust you; in my life I felt like I was drowning and needed help in order to survive, I was tired of my life, cycles of boom and bust, drained of energy, everyone taking and no one supporting, I felt hopeless, lost, drowning, I couldn’t see my way out of the dark.

The sessions have helped me see who I really am by stripping back the layers to reveal the hidden me, the real me. What I received was more of myself, the hidden gems that are part of who I am, like a prospector, I’ve found a rich vain of gold that was hidden in the dark.

I now live in the moment and trust my intuition to guide me through life, the moment doesn’t hold worry about the future or regret about the past. What I enjoyed most was being heard, it made me realise that what I have to say is important, to me and everyone who hears it. This brings me peace and confidence… so I’m a lot happier now.

I now have this realisation that my life is important, it has purpose. That I have the power to live an amazing life. That I have the power to change the world.

I would say everyone needs to heal, everyone needs to invest time and money in themselves. Anything else is really a waste of your time and energy, yours and everyone else’s


Interestingly, this course improved my sex life with my husband…

I felt stuck in a rut and I was really interested in working with my shadow as I had already done some self work.

I had been procrastinating over many issues including a change in career and I was over indulging and feeling pretty rubbish.

Interestingly, this course improved my sex life with my husband. After a big weight gain I had been left feeling. unattractive. The goddess energy changed this. I was more comfortable in my skin and I felt empowered. This course helped me become a better person!!!!

By using Marina’s Shadow Alchemy methods such as unstick I saw how I was being unreasonable or mean and I forgave my dad – this was huge and was unexpected. I came out of the course with expansion in areas I hadn’t even considered needed work. I absolutely loved the healing room and meeting my other selves.

This is an amazing course but it’s full on !!! Make sure you are ready to go deep and be vulnerable to get the most from the experience and if you do then expect one of the best healing experiences.


Clients are coming in everyday… 

My angel thank you for coming in my life and changing it. The day I started this masterclass I have transformed each and everyday.. my approach has changed… I was so sceptical to receive any type of help…

Now I am not only open but receiving everyday… I am not exaggerating but I am really surprised at my self… I cannot put it in words there are so many Ah Aha moments… People arre calling me to help me for making my business grow.. clients are coming in everyday… You shifted my entire energy and got me out of that stuck and blocked feeling… I can’t even imagine that if this masterclass can do this to me your 6 week program would create wonders in people life…

Once again thank you and keep doing your good work

Lots of love


The 1 Hour Receiving Retreat: Very Powerful Marina…

Well what can one say.

Although it was only 1 hour it was enough. Every aspect of my being wanted to stop and switch you off. Why? Because it was soooo powerful and the part of me that likes to stay camouflaged and small hated it haha.
When in meditation and you asked us to receive I put my arm up straight away to keep everyone back. Nope you are not coming near me. This is due to many many years of mental and physical abuse.  However I let go of the resistance and the first gift I was given was gold and then many more followed.
The healing room was beautiful with all my plants, fresh fruit, giant beanbag and oak table and sun shining through. I seen the part of me that had everything I desired and she easily integrated into my heart.
I also realise from this session that I have mastered the art of pushing people away and I wonder why I get lonely.
Very powerful Marina and I know my body has accepted that I now love myself in its entirety.
Honestly, I cannot express how hard I had to hang on and do the work for the 60 minutes. It was like running a marathon for me, nothing angelic about it hahahaha. But that’s the old me. The me that wanted to keep life hard as that’s how I interpreted receiving love.
You are a beautiful woman who has an amazing smile. Much love to you x


She held the space for me to release…

I’ve been honoured with having a healing by Marina. Marina’s approach is extremely gentle, yet powerful. She held the space for me to release, what for me, was a huge block. Her insight and ability to articulate exactly what was and how it unfolded, is truly wonderful. I highly recommend Marina J.


Marina is a powerful healer, who I highly recommend to anyone wanting to deeply know themselves and how to share their gifts in the world.  

I recently had a couple of  Theta Healing sessions with Marina and Wow!! What a homecoming! Marina had laser sharp vision in identifying the ways I self-sabotaged or boxed myself in and was able to quickly help me burst out of there into a life of joy and fulfilment.  I love that she is not afraid of the shadows or to tell it like it is in the most loving way and that she always has my higher self and aspirations in mind. I felt deeply recognised and that she was totally rooting for me and this allowed me to go so much further in the process.  Sessions with her are cosmic gold dust grounded in earthly womanly wisdom. Thank you awesome lady!


When I look back to late last year I actually don’t know how I was carrying on…

Before I began coaching with Marina I was held together with string – I was anxious, nervous and had been over-training so much I was losing muscle and had an injury. I was frazzled. 🙁 I was making bad decisions.

Since coaching with Marina I am now calmer, I am happy 🙂 my children are calmer. I have a healthier relationship with training. I mainly make good decisions! The hottest thing about me now I’ve fallen in love with every last bit of me? Is that I’m so fucking HOT and my new boyfriend thinks the same! And I know how to let him love me because I love me. I now focus on me, have time for me, focus on self-love and self-compassion.

When I look back to late last year I actually don’t know how I was carrying on… I have come so far. I’ve never been happier! 🙂 I’m going to celebrate myself this week by remembering how far I have come – to keep smiling and to have an amazing weekend with my new hot boyfriend!


Your membership site; Goddess, You’re Home has

Taught me So Much!  WOW! 

How to Be a Better Version of Myself and A Better Human Being
I Find it a Real Joy Being Part of This Group
Lots of Confidence
Support Towards my Goals
Relationship Advice
All-round Advice
Given me Emotional Support
Changed my Mindset
Made me More Independent
Has Loyalty and Support from Marina and the Other Goddesses
Given me a High Sense of Worth
Made me Feel Validated
Made me Feel Appreciated
Made me Stronger Inside
How to Heal Myself from Within
Helps me Stay Aware and also Assertive with the Bullies I Encounter.  At least I do not feel so Alone and Now Have a Way to Process and Heal each time

It helps stop me procrastinating and makes me much more proactive to be creative regarding my musical journey

I Enjoy my Life Journey and Musical Journey with this Group cheering me on!  It is Helping me to Blossom and Become Who I am Meant to Be!


Marina is an amazing Soul who facilitates others to wake up to their own truth! 

I’m glad I did a session with her and will do it again. It was such a joy. Marina has a most profound natural wisdom and sense of cosmic order, enabling her to access the energies needed for the highest forms of healing and personal alignment. Thank you for sharing your gift Marina! “I love You, I honour You, I thank You and I respect You”


I have been working with Marina J for a couple of months now as well as taking advantage of her online Goddess Your Home video series.

After playing in the Goddess Rooms, on the membership site, I find Marina to be AMAZING!!! Her energy and ease with which she conducts these videos is so inspiring and natural. You always get the feeling that she is talking only to YOU. She’s speaks into the camera with sudden pauses asking for the viewer to participate and then chimes in as if the session were live! I leave these videos as refreshed as a live session and if that weren’t enough, she has PDF downloads for further self-care if one desires. Truly a wealth of information and guidance. Can’t thank you enough for helping me get to the next level and it’s just the beginning! 🙂

Much love


I’ve always had trouble feeling like there was a “me”. It was never that I had “lost my old self” or felt that I had lost something. But more that I never really knew who I was.

I had been seeking therapy for years and I still felt absent. Feeling lost isn’t really a phrase to describe it either. Just never “really there.” When I met Marina, I still have no words to describe the experience now as I write this, she didn’t “find the old me” but rather gave me a new life.

Marina wasn’t just someone I gushed all my problems to once a week. Without a doubt Marina was there and will even continue to be there (even after we’ve parted ways for now) for me through everything. She is genuine, honest, extremely diligent and exceptionally authentic.

Before Marina I was unable to cope with the most basic everyday stresses. I wasn’t feeling this way for a short period of time either, this was years upon years. I now wake up excited, to be honest sometimes I don’t even know what about, and that’s the most beautiful thing about it. I wake up feeling love in my heart and my absolute self. I’ve struggled to write this for a long time, because no words seem to do Marina justice. She is by all means, an amazingly life changing person.


Marina has made the biggest change in my business, my mindset and business has totally shifted since working with her.

I always knew my work was powerful and transformational but somehow I still had those old stories of not being good enough, the imposter syndrome, that bullshit mindset that held me back.

Working with Marina has helped me step into my full power. This power has enabled me to take inspired action and call in bigger amounts of money.

During my time working with Marina I’ve had online 5 figure launches, booked out clients and created multiple programs and courses directly as a result of the work I’ve done with her.

She helped me step into my confidence, clear my money blocks, clear the traumas and unhealed parts that were holding me back from stepping into full alignment to be the best version of me I could be and thrive in my business.

I know I wouldn’t be where I am right now without her help. Every session continues to blow me away and take me to the next level in my business. I can’t recommend Marina enough and am SO grateful to the life changing work she does.


When I first came to Marina, I knew where I wanted to be in life, I just didn’t know how to get there. I knew I was so much bigger than the life I was living.

I’d had these dreams for years, big dreams, but how to make them come true? One day I passed an old friend of mine whom I hadn’t seen in years and she looked – happy. I mean REALLY happy. I asked her what she’d been doing and she said, “I saw a life coach, Marina J a couple of years ago, and it’s the BEST thing I ever did!” I contacted Marina straight away, and whilst I felt really nervous, I also knew she was the right person for me.

Her mix of fun, deep healing coaching sessions and razor sharp intuition skyrocketed me from my old life into my new very amazing life! I worked for it, I did everything she set me and I now I find myself here and I feel teary as I write this. I now live a life that excites me! I am no longer a single mum. (It’s not a bad thing, but you know… ) I met the love of my life during Marina’s coaching program and we live the life I’ve always dreamed of! I’m so happy!

I’ve created a business I love and I’m still catching my breath! But you know what? THIS life fits me! It’s the life that I always knew was possible for me and now I’m living it? I wake up with the hugest smile on my face. I’ve become the woman I always knew was bubbling away inside of me! Your coaching has impacted me like no other. Thank you for your honesty, love and wisdom.


The real me is back- shining through. The friendly, warm, open version of me instead of the resentful, exhausted, snappy, anxious, scared closed off version of me.

I can see it in the way people respond to me with warmth and friendliness, engaged and chatty to me. I make them feel good. They make me feel good. Perfect!

I need to tell you that I don’t know where I would be now without Marina’s coaching. I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with her. It was not easy at times facing my darker side.

I have a better relationship with myself. I don’t expect myself to be able to do everything + be everything to everyone.

I am much better at communicating in general + my needs in particular and asking for help.

My relationships with my (adult) children is completely different. They value and respect me, as well as loving me.

I feel and see so much more joy in the world, in life.

I know I am enough, just the way I am.


She just gets IT! More laughter than tears. Marina is colour. She is a healer She is a matchmaker ME + ME = LOVE.

Marina is a guide. guiding you back to you, the you you lost, the you you gave away, the you you disregarded for someone else. The you you forgot to love. She is a teacher, finally after years of searching I found the one, the person to teach me how to heal me! No rehashing, unlike other therapists you are on treadmill of trauma and tears, trauma and tears until you are a broken shell. Then time is up, (you are sinking further) you leave feeling emotionally exhausted and drained with NO mechanisms or skills to manage your feelings. Marina skills you up.


You deeply care, you see blocks, and assertively call clients on their issues/ games/ limiting beliefs.

You blend awareness, excellent training with psychic perception to reach into the dark corners.


Thanking you for the great work we have done together, I’m the best version of me I’ve ever been.

The hardships in my past relationships have made me stronger and wiser and with this I go forward to create my perfect relationship where I am well and truly setting the tone and it works. Your book has been so helpful for times I’ve needed reminding.

Thanks for reminding the goddesses in us that WE are enough just as we are, that dreams and fairy tales do come true if you dare to dream them up, which I did.

My sincere gratitude for your help over the years.


What will always make me choose Marina’s coaching over anybody else is firstly, that she knows exactly how to take you to that place where you’re whole heartedly honest with yourself.

Marina just gets exactly what you need to transform, heal and empower yourself to become the person you’ve always wanted to be/always have been deep down under everything that was hurting you/keeping you small. Whenever I’ve been coached by Marina, I’ve always left with a feeling of energy that is not able to be explained but always brought me more self-love and true acceptance of myself.

There’s nobody quite like Marina. She’s everything feminine, bold, glittery and soft. But at the same time she will never let you bullshit yourself. She’s everything sparkly without the la dee da positivity. She’s all about REAL healing. REAL transformation. REAL, AUTHENTIC YOU!

I’ll always tell every woman that they NEED Marina in their life.


Not only did I learn how to heal myself but by leading by example I also learned about raising my standards. Good enough is no longer good enough!!

I know I deserve greatness in this life. After my program with Marina it’s like she sits on my shoulder everywhere I go. She is the image of my own best friend and that best friend is me. If it’s not good enough for her it’s not good enough for me. No cutting corners with my self love these days. When I give to me, the world follows. No one knows me better than I do now. I now know how to recognise when something isn’t right and how to identify exactly what I need to fix it AND grow from it.

Marina J is also the most amazing sounding board. No judgement. Her love is infinite. No matter what I’ve done, been or come from, she truly sees me as an infinite being of light and love and treats me that way. Purely by leading by example, my life has honestly changed and will never be the same. It just can’t, that life doesn’t exist anymore. Never did I believe I could forgive, forget, move on and be soooo grateful from my past traumas.

Never did I think I would ever say, I love my life, I am happy to be alive.

I owe that to Marina J.


Right from the beginning it’s felt like you ‘get me’, more than anyone else I’ve ever worked with.

-You’ve helped me embrace/enjoy myself as a woman, in ways I’ve never known before.
-Your coaching is dynamic, it’s alive, I never know where you’ll take me as part of my healing process.
-You’re incredibly loving, like a soft, warm blanket always making me feel protected and safe.
-Your sense of humour and honesty helps to make the work fun.
-Because you’re ’turned on’ you’re inspirational!


You know your stuff, you believe it and you practise what you preach.

I feel so comfortable with you and you are so much fun to work with plus your book really helps to reinforce sessions for me.  You genuinely care and show me how to heal. I don’t just get to talk about my feelings, we work through them and you help me heal, and guide me to be my best self, and listen to my inner voice. You are the complete package!


You have an uncanny way of reading my thoughts.

You remember important discussions we have had so that gives me a confidence that you listen.

You don’t pull back if you feel me underestimating myself, my goals or my attitude.

You instil in me a sense of safety and trust In you and your ability.

You care outside of your payment period, you send info and items of interest and referrals etc which is so gratefully received. Your emails and newsletter are outstanding.

You truly do make a difference!

You truly do lift me the moment I hear your Goddess voice.

You truly enjoy what you do and it shows.

You get me!

You have so much help on your website easily accessible on your website.

You encourage me to use my talents and soar and are not envious of others successes, you actually thrive on it.

Thank you.


Marina J has a wonderful and unique approach to our patterns of thinking.

She then helps you create a wonderful life and helps you in a way no other coach would approach it, but it works! No more antidepressants for me (had been on them for 20 years) until Marina J and I worked my way off them. You have a voice that leads into and draws right from my heart and soul.


I feel completely reborn and transformed…

I was depressed, lonely, disempowered, constantly TIRED and struggling to believe I was worthy of being loved and so full of SELF DOUBT.  My skin on my face was constantly red and irritated…..I couldn’t make simple decisions for myself such as what do I want to eat for lunch today –it was a really hard decision for me.  I had given away my Power SO often in my life – I actually believed it was the done thing and the result from doing that for so long = UNHAPPINESS and LOW SELF ESTEEM!!!!

NOW I eat exactly what I desire and do exactly what makes me feel GOOD and no more compromising to please anyone other than myself!!!!!.  12 months ago my close relationships were full of people who kept showing me how badly I was treating myself and I didn’t understand it was the relationship with myself that needed to CHANGE….….. NOW that I  LOVE myself and have made the decision to put myself first – my life is now taking off in a completely different direction and I have to keep ticking things off my AWESOME desire list as they appear!

I feel so amazingly strong and confident and proud and happy!  Creating my life now gives me PLEASURE and FOLLOWING my Dreams gives me pleasure and knowing I am the Creator of my Life gives me THE MOST PLEASURE AND SATISFACTION…. and my CONFIDENCE? – wooh yeh!

I just feel really, really PROUD of myself for ALLOWING myself the privilege of having Marina coach me into the GODDESS I now TRULY believe I am.  Honestly, I feel so thrilled and excited inside – I feel reborn and completely transformed!  I will keep saying it to everyone I know “Women need Women like Marina in their life” I have never known anyone like her before.   Thank you Marina!

I’m going to find myself a beautiful new SPARKLY journal to take around the world with me so I can write about my new Life living as a GODDESS and my BIG journey of SELF discovery.


When I first approached Marina I felt as if everything was against me, nothing I did to try to improve my situation ever worked, I had moved into an area that I didn’t like, into a house I didn’t like, my business was breaking even at best and losing money some months.

My current relationship is with a gorgeous man who I love to death but I didn’t really appreciate him at that time and I was pretty miserable. I spent a lot of time crying.

Marina coached me through all of this and I healed my life. I am now studying to become a building designer – something I’ve wanted since I was little girl, it’s my life’s purpose and I cannot wait to begin designing houses! I don’t wake up tired anymore, I am raring to go and have achieved more in these 6 months personally and professionally than I have in years. I treat myself with respect now and am good to myself. The dreams that I had just about let go of are already beginning to happen and there is so much more to come. I can just feel it!

All of my life gives me pleasure now! Marina has helped me heal and break dynamics so the old isn’t happening anymore. And Marina has helped me to see what I have and to be thankful for it, to learn the lessons my experiences can teach me, to appreciate who I am and to love me! I doubted myself and my abilities. I let the wrong parts of me make my decisions. Now I know that I am not my circumstances and that I am capable of whatever is in my heart to do or be. I am me and I always get what I want! I get pleasure from the present, I am thankful for what I have, and I get pleasure from my future even though it isn’t here yet because I know it WILL be here.  I feel ALIVE now and that’s pretty exciting! I can feel the twinkle in my eye again and I think that’s pretty hot!

The 5 biggest changes for me that I got from coaching are:

1. I can get pleasure out of where I am now

2. I trust and believe in myself

3. I value myself and want to be nice to me daily

4. My life is not ruled by the past, or even the present. I know that everything I want is possible and I have the skills to get it.

5. Sorry but you really can’t put limits on me (this is no.5) I am able to recognise the clues that my desires are on their way and I can enjoy the process of them getting to me.

When I started this journey I thought that if I was successful, by the end I would be different. I would have changed into someone else. I kept looking for that change, wondering when it was going to happen. I knew I was feeling better and living better but I was still expecting something else. I know now (and this is only a very recent revelation) that I can never be Someone Else, I can never change Me. The process I have been through has delivered something far more valuable. It has given me an appreciation and love of me so that I don’t want to be anyone else.

Marina has given me the skills to deal with what life may throw my way and the ability to make my life what I want it to be. And for that I am deeply and eternally grateful.
I am enjoying and being aware of every moment! I am enjoying my man, my children, my customers, my lack of customers, my shop neighbours, my learning, my snuggly bed, the sunshine, the water, EVERYTHING!


I felt like I was emotionally drowning and completely incapable of feeling hopeful or positive ever again.

I had been in a “non-existent” relationship with an emotionally manipulative man and the effects of this involvement had run deeper than I thought possible.

I found myself crying everyday unable to figure out how I attracted such a terrible person.

Every time I heard of another friend/colleague/family member…fill in the blank announcing an engagement, wedding or baby shower.  I was unable to feel any genuine happiness or joy for them. I dreaded going to weddings and any other special occasions as it just reminded me of what I did not have, but desperately wanted. I looked sad, irritable and unhappy…and I felt all those things too.

During the Marina J Coaching Program I learnt to love myself just the way I am. I am making better choices with the kind of men I choose to maintain contact with, and am getting better and better at weeding out those who just don’t “do it” for me!

I’ve learnt to take pleasure in the little things and I was successful in getting the job I have always been striving for within the organisation I work for. My work relationships have also improved drastically, and I find myself being invited to lots of social gatherings organised through my work place. I now look forward to doing the things I love to do and am now so much more optimistic and expectant of what has to offer me going forward.

The best thing I have learnt through this coaching program and working with Marina, is that I am enough and I am more than worthy! I’ve gone from having a very heavy heart & struggling to overcome sticky situations, to feeling more light-hearted, relaxed and now I actually look forward to those “sticky situations” as I know they are going to teach me something new!  I have learnt to ask for what I want – and I’m comfortable in my own skin.

I don’t feel panicky about being 30 and single. In fact, I celebrated my 30th birthday travelling around Europe and I have this amazing tingling feeling that my 30s are going to be the best years of my life!



Can I just say a massive heart felt THANK YOU!! Again!! I have so much love and gratitude for you and your program I just keep seeing areas of my life lift and become what I had always hoped for, but wasn’t really sure was possible.

When I started the coaching program I had already been in personal therapy for a number of years, I had grown a whole lot, but I still struggled with some key things, my relationships, my relationship with money, and the relationship I was busy having with myself.

I was a Cinderella, I loved everyone else really well – I put a lot of effort into people yet treated myself poorly. I was so  disrespectful to myself yet couldn’t stop it. I was under the illusion that if I do more, be more, give more to those around me, I’ll reach true happiness – that finally it would happen for me.  So there I was, frustrated and at the end of my tether with most of my relationships.

That was the biggest misconception that I uncovered, with Marina’s amazing support, coaching and guidance I realised I had to learn to give to myself if I was to have any chance in turning my life around, and to really, finally reach my potential this lifetime.

So I learned how to treat myself with the same love and respect I gave others.  (And that’s a lot!) Now my life has changed forever – FREEDOM!!!  This is how I live now:  Receiving is as important as giving, (no more guilt!) I love to give to myself daily – I am my own best friend, so I have more available to give freely to those I love, without attachment, resentment or always bordering on burnout.

I also realised that with my strong desire to live my purpose and dream big, its the ONLY way I can get there.

Through this amazing, fun, inspiring transformational journey, I can honestly say I didn’t realise relationships could be so good, mutually giving and really satisfying, instead of just hard work.

I feel the Same about my business and my financial freedom too.
There are no limits now, I feel really free, and believe truly anything is possible.
Thank you again and again not only for your program but for every day in my future that I give freely, receive, and desire.  And for every day I am in love with my life.
You are an amazing woman.


Marina’s coaching has absolutely changed my life and I am forever grateful for being given the chance to experience this amazing journey.

Before I began the Marina J Coaching Program I was stuck with no way out; I am a single mum of three beautiful children and run a full time business.

I was constantly tired, had trouble with my self worth, and my self esteem. How did this look in my life? I was drinking too much, working too much (16 days in a row) and “burning the candle at both ends”.  I had really down days, then high high days. My life was a rollercoaster and I felt like something had to give.

I was finding myself in needy and pointless relationships with damaged men, and I knew deep down I deserved better, but I didn’t know how to make it better. I had “mother guilt” towards my own children plus I hated my own mother and blamed her for all the hurt in my life up to that point.

Because of this coaching from Marina I  now look forward to every day with excitement, I have energy, passion and feel happy all the time!! I feel centred and at peace with everyone. I look relaxed and healthy. Everyone keeps commenting on how young I look! I hardly drink at all and when I do I know when to stop so it’s pleasurable.  I love my own company and love feeding myself great food, love exercising, love looking after myself. I have more time and more patience for my kids. I even like hanging out with my mother!

The hottest thing about me now is that I am so my own person. I am grounded, energetic and ebullient! I stopped drinking alcohol excessively and can’t even stand the feeling of being drunk any more. Two drinks and I’ve had enough. I had been drinking excessively for 35 years!!! I feel taller and much more grounded and centred.

I’ve lost weight because I only eat what I want now and it’s always exactly what I want! I can stand in my own power in any situation. I am full of love for myself, for others, for my children.

My business is growing and growing and it’s becoming more and more successful, and I genuinely feel I deserve it!  Clients are complimenting me like never before.

I now have a good relationship with my ex-husband. I feel very spiritual and in tune with others and what they are feeling.  Now I can help people because I have extra to give.

Marina’s coaching has absolutely changed my life and I am forever grateful for being given the chance to experience this amazing journey.

And this week?  I start it off as I always do, being kind to myself in any situation, and never abandoning myself…….and making some time to make some new friends who can add to my life.  Oh and to go pick up my new car!!! Yay!!!  Financially I thought I wouldn’t be able to have it until next year, but I got my dream car within 5 months of starting this coaching program, WOW!


The change between now and starting this coaching program has been amazing – sounds clichéd, I know – but it really feels like I am looking back at a different person when I try to think of how things were.

When we first spoke I felt like I was going mad, trapped in a weird life that somehow wasn’t mine. I was getting sick and I was miserable and I didn’t know how to fix it which was really scary because I was so used to being ‘proficient’, to being in control.

It’s really hard to admit that you are miserable when everything on paper looks good.
The boxes were ticked but there was no joy, no energy, no peace…..just empty sorrow. I suspected I might be in trouble when I was trying to write a ‘positive headline for my life’ as part of a self-help exercise and couldn’t get past: ‘I am a total arse who has got through her life by the seat of her pants and is lucky to have got this far without a major disaster.’ This was my truth, my true belief.

I remember you saying that as a result of our coaching I would be able to stand in any situation with genuine confidence.

I was soooooo sceptical, I had never felt this at any point in my life, I had only been very successful at faking it. How could you make the difference?

I couldn’t imagine being able to climb that enormous mountain of change, being able to make myself thin enough, groomed enough, informed enough, organised enough, charismatic enough etc.. etc.. to be that invincible person of unshakable self belief. But it was that idea, the almost mythical idea of unshakable self belief that persuaded me to try.

I decided that even if I changed one thing it had to be better than nothing…

Now when I think of how I feel today, this warm spring day only five months after we started, I can’t quite believe it. I laugh out loud. I feel powerful, beautiful, amazing. I am enough and not enough and either way it’s OK. I am free! I know what I want and I can ask for it without apology or excuses (most of the time ;0) – still practicing after all).

I am really coming to know myself and in doing so I am coming to know my desires. My desires for myself, those around me and for my life. What a bloody relief!! I have stopped living the life I thought I should live and have started to live the life I want.

You said I should celebrate, celebrate the progress, and congratulate myself, and give myself a big goddess hug.

So today there have been air punches, air punches and whoops for slipping free from the steel grip of my mother in law’s manipulative behaviour. Air punches for getting rid of self destructive beliefs. Air punches for being able to write and receive easy quick emails without endless self analysis and criticism. Air punches for rainbow fingerless gloves and high volume Madonna. (!!) Air punches for not beating myself up any more because I have not found a local social circle…yet (perhaps due to a penchant for rainbow fingerless gloves and Madonna);massive air punches for modern technology that allows me to stay in touch with my true, wonderful and inspiring friends.

Air punches for believing that I am just as worthy as the next person, that I am enough, and that good things are for me too.

Bring out the vuvuzelas for this one: A veritable fanfare for being able to look in the mirror without make up or clothes on and see beauty.
And finally I’ll be setting up a firework display in the garden later to celebrate the fact that I finally hold myself in enough regard to look after myself with the same care and compassion that I previously reserved for ‘loved ones’.

It seems that these days I too am loved, unconditionally, by me.

What a truly giant leap.

And the best part is we’re not finished yet – brilliant – bring it on!


Marina imbues a fabulousness’ and creativity with her life coaching which is not found anywhere else!

Marina has a presence and vibration of love, passion and enthusiasm for the work she does and readily shares that with her clients which then enables us (the clients) to evolve and grow and enrich our own lives.

Marina is NOT your ‘run of the mill’ type of coach, she is a unique gem whose quality outshines those surrounding her!