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Expand into your Magic!

By September 8, 2023September 14th, 2023No Comments

Treating myself like a Goddess is how I get out of my funk… and when I say my funk… I really mean ANY funk!

  • People’s projection of their funk onto you.
  • Disappointment in people and their funky way of dealing with you.
  • Witnessing funky stuff in other people.
  • Body getting all funky on you!

When we’re around people who make it all about them, and still you give…

… you get dddddrained…

You get drained because your energy is billowing outwards giving with not enough love, support or genuine care coming IN from the outside world.

All that’s happening is that the outside world is reflecting back how we’ve been treating ourselves.

That we’ve been too outward focussed, over-caring outwardly and under-caring for the self.

  • Treating myself like a Goddess is how I get out of my funk. (Especially when others are not treating me like a Goddess!) And it’s exactly what we’re doing in Glow Week together.
  • We are going to create life-long practices together so that we set in motion a new way of living for ourselves. This in turn creates a new vibration for yourself! (Which shifts our whole life UP!)
  • Because for someone like you where it’s always been about everybody else – now it has to be about you!
  • Ready for the true GLOW this is going to give you?
  • We’re glowing UP in our body, our emotional body and in our feminine magic… when we expand into this… we reclaim our very sparkly very fizzy very powerful selves where we can make anything happen and receive what is ours so easily!

You can join GLOW Week here. It’s free, it’s what I do with my private clients so please show up as if it’s a paid container and may I say… it’s fabulous! I LOVE creating GLOW in you and ME!

What’s happening in my world?

I was recently interviewed on two podcasts:

1. What are the green flags we need to look for in relationships? And what do you truly need to flourish after narcissistic abuse? I sat down and podcasted with the amazing Sandy on Last First Date and also shared how I felt the first night I met Paul and how I knew he was different! You can listen here.

2. I loved being on a podcast with the incredible Tanya Wilson on Ladies Kickin’ Ass! We talked all things feminine power, empowering women, and delving into our hidden shadows. We dive into my journey, the why behind my work, and how I’m helping others find their strength and recover. Get ready for our very activating conversation! You can listen in here on Spotify and here on Apple.

And yes, there are a number of ways to come into my world… privately (just hit reply and ask me) and also in my short and longer courses:

Shadow Alchemy – Dissolve your initiations quickly and turn your pain into power and pleasure with a baseline of peace in your body. We are enrolling now, you can join us  here. 

CREATRIX – Create your success your way – when you create your next offering or next evolution of you, you will always be successful. You’ll get immediate access to the first two modules – the last we did was EPIC. These are live classes that I may not teach again. You can join us  here.

Flourish – is my year-long container for you to receive my full support in to truly flourish after difficult relationships and narcissistic abuse so you become the woman you were born to be. It’s all the pieces, the energetic, the emotional, the Goddess and your dreams! You can apply  here.

I also have a shorter version of Flourish, for you to truly flourish after difficult relationships, just message me here if you’re interested in that. 


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