It’s difficult to create when you’ve got energy leaks. Sitting down to finally work on that project, but having draining people/situations around you… or worrying about something, means it can be really hard to focus.
Like I’m talking you focussing on a project for two hours without interruption.
Either from within you or from the outside.
This can lead to projects near and dear to your heart consistently being put on the back burner – sometimes for 2 years or 20 years!
20 years ago I dreamt of helping women in a particular way in a bricks and mortar model that I would eventually franchise across the country.
It never got off the ground. Why? Energy leaks. For me, narcissistic abuse was derailing me daily, reducing my creative energy, my focus and my resources. Narcissistic abuse took me out. Quite literally.
It was like a sliding scale… the more energy leaks, the less creative energy I had available to me.
To elevate we need to become less available for energy leaks.
That means our thoughts within and the energy we leak out to unresolved situations that are draining us.
See it’s never about what happens to you, it’s always about your approach; how fast you move through the initiations, lessons and situations that are inviting you to a very special upgrade!
Staying too long in the breakdown phase when really you’re ready for a breakthrough is a massive energy drain.
A powerful way to stop your precious energy from leaking out is to begin looking around your life and where you lose energy, say:
“I’m not available for that.”
Editing where your energy flows to, is a massive game changer.
You’re the curator of your life right now and you get to say how and where your energy is spent!
Because you having your own energy fully available to you, means you can create the magnificence you are here to create!
With pleasure, with joy and feeling totally on point and in the zone! You know that you ROCK IT when you dance in your own signature energy! It’s what I do for me and my clients and I fucking love it!
What are you no longer available for?
(More of your own energy awaits!)

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