A new level of honesty is here. You can no longer bullshit yourself as to how you really feel. Or how you really feel about others… if you’ve felt like you’ve been wasting your time with people… it’s going to be harder to be in those relationships because you can see right through them… to their true intent and you can see right through your own BS that had been keeping you there.
Suddenly the reasons that made you stay with them, like money, fear, familiarity, low self-esteem and wanting to be more loyal to a reason rather than to yourself… are no longer compelling reasons for you.
Because the BS that was holding you there is just that, BS. Illusions that you are now seeing through and because they are illusions, you are no longer scared of releasing them.
They have no more ‘hold’ over you.
Let this voice emerge… it’s going to get louder because you can no longer tolerate other people not doing the work, not doing their side of the relationship.
And you can no longer be with yourself if you keep undoing yourself in this way and other ways. Sapping your energy with habits that hurt you and drain your precious energy away.
You cannot take your old self where you’re going… there is no more room for her.
She interrupts your expansion too regularly.
Your tolerance for BS has bottomed out. And that also includes any material illusions that you were buying into too…
… If you go with this flow you’ll feel lighter and lighter… if you fight it you’ll get stuck for a bit… maybe for a while…
So if it makes you tired? It’s no longer for you. You cannot rise interrupting your ascension so regularly anymore.
If there’s no more pull to be with them? Then you’re no longer on the same timeline. (Another mini 2-world split has happened within our soul pod, honour your new direction and you honour them.)
When you’re honest with yourself about how you feel? You will always make the right decision.
And if you haven’t been up until now? Don’t beat yourself up, that’s just another illusion you’ll need to break later on.
Let your internal determination for yourself light a non negotiable fire inside of you.
What’s not coming with you?
How good would you feel by this Friday if you went with that?
PS – If you would like to heal the relationship you have with yourself I invite you to take a look at my Shadow Alchemy Course here.The doors will be closing soon. xx

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