If you’re rolling your eyes as another light filled social media post mooches past you about gratitude/the Galactics/whatever… and you’re feeling flat or depressed or just so blah and over it? Your body is asking you to stop trying to chase the light and instead, find the light in the dark.
This isn’t about you needing to meditate more, do more yoga or do anything light. This is your body telling you that you’re strong enough to cry the un-cried tears from a time when you weren’t strong enough or held enough to release them.
Are you willing to feel your dark emotions to let the light back in?
It’s been a particularly tough week for a lot of light workers. I’m not chasing the light. I’m finding my light in the dark. Here’s how I’m doing it. xx
You can also listen to Ep.21 Stop Chasing the Light! on Spotify and Apple Hit the subscribe button if you’d like to be notified when the latest episode pops! Or Search for The Turn Yourself On Podcast on your favourite platform. xx
**To learn more about my 6-week shadow intensive to heal your childhood trauma, wounds, triggers and painful situations back into happiness and peace, click here.
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