You’ve been utterly amazing this year… and you might be feeling exhausted, dealing with loneliness, dealing with a very changing economy and really, we all just need a big fat rest, a big dollop of joy and to receive big.
Who are you now? I’m betting you’ve shifted a lot this year also. Which is why you are amazing. xx
So to support you I’ve recorded a succession of podcasts to see you through till after the new year.
Today’ podcast is: Episode 13: The Blame Game and How to Play It! (I thought the title was fun!) It will help you take your power and good mood back in any relationship where you’re being projected on, blamed or held accountable for somebody else’s mood, feeling, actions or wellbeing. You’ll know this because you’ll feel like you’re walking on eggshells around them. And that’s not fun! I thought it was especially needed at Christmas time. xx
I know some of you will be on your own this Christmas or will be needing extra love. So an extra podcast will be dropping (down the chimney OO!) on Christmas Day called:
Episode 14: Unwrapping your Self-Love this Christmas
Together we’ll unwrap 10 gifts of self-love that include a self-love meditation set to beautiful music. My hope is that wherever you are on this day this becomes a beautiful gift for you.
Episode 15: My New Years Eve Ritual – this will be dropping on Dec 30th xx
Episode 16: Become HER – dropping Jan 6th – this is us moving into the highest timeline of 2021 quickly!
You can also listen here on Spotify
And here on Apple
Hit the subscribe button if you’d like to know as soon as a new pod drops!
Come say hello on Facebook Instagram and Twitter
You know you’re never alone when you have you. I know it’s been a huge year of letting go of so much and the new is beginning to take form. Trust that your new world is taking place whilst you rest. Yes, you are allowed to rest and take your eyes off the ball completely! It will probably happen quicker if you rest. Allow yourself to rest and receive.
I’m sending you so much love for wherever you are and however you’re feeling. You just got through one of the hardest years ever. And, ya did it!

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