With all that’s going on in the world, I wanted to create something for us that would get us really good at alchemising our dark into the light. We have this power in us to heal anything – and when we get really good at healing the stuff inside? We stand in our power. We no longer fear the future because we know we hold power greater than the outside world. No matter what it throws at us.
And so I’ve created a series of 6 Master Classes that I thought you might be interested in, called; Become the Alchemist you were Born to Be.
You have this in you! You have ancient knowledge in your DNA that is for you to unlock. It holds your path to ascension and in our time together we’re going to unlock the relationship you have with yourself so you hear yourself and believe yourself and trust yourself, so you navigate your own life, fully in your power.
Would you like to strengthen your Alchemist Muscle? (That’s what I call it!)
I’ve spent 16 years coaching clients from around the globe to transform their life and this is the first time I am ever offering this Course – to teach you how to become the alchemist you were born to be.
Pick one thing you want to alchemise by the end of this course so you can practice and hone your alchemising ability.
You might want to alchemise fear into peace, a painful dynamic into complete freedom or heal your skin of acne so you can go makeup free in 6 weeks. These are just examples, what would it be for you?
We are ascending! But who knew it would look like this?! Know this: It’s impossible to get there without taking your whole self with you. That means: Your whole physical body, emotional body and spiritual body. Without shadow work? You cannot take your emotional body with you and that’s where I see so many powerful people get stuck.
You know this course is for you if you know you need to heal, want to increase your super powers and want community!
Here’s what you’ll get on this course:
- 6 x 2 hour Live Master Classes that are recorded to use again and again to strengthen this muscle in you.
- Access to over 100 healing classes and master classes for the duration of this course.
- Access to our private FB group, your home for 6 weeks.
- 1:1 private session with me as an option.
If you’ve been a beautiful client of mine on a 1:1 coaching program you’ll receive 20% off.
You’ll know if this speaks to you. Click here to learn more.
All my love to you – and remember, we are the change, that’s why we are here. Believe in your own super powers more than any power that tells you in the outside world that it’s more powerful than you. It’s not.
Join me on Facebook Instagram and Twitter for more love and support.

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