It’s HEEEEERE!! My NEW podcast for US! We’re going to talk all things ascension, YOU in your fucking incredible POWER, and you shifting UP in your life – BECAUSE YOU HAVE THIS POWER NOW TO DO EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT TO DO!
I’m not shouting at you – I’m just exciiiiited!! But for somebody who likes to talk, I have been the MOST unwilling participant in actually getting off my delectable derriere and starting this thing!
Random people I’ve met, friends of mine and my daughter have all mentioned this year, “You should start a podcast!” “Noooouuu,” I’ve said, I even said no whilst meditating two weeks ago thinking, I’ll start it next year. And then I got a voice message on instagram that same morning from a lady I’d only just met, “By the way, if you ever start a podcast I’d listen to it!” Haha – gotta laugh!
And you know what? In spite of myself – I’ve thoroughly enjoyed myself, actually much more than I thought! So much so that I recorded 5 podcasts over 4 days and thought – fuck it let’s do it!
So… there are 5 episodes up there on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and other channels. I’m recording things to strengthen you, light you and bloomin inspire you – because right now we all need fuel to rise! If you listen and love it, would you give me a 5 star rating? I would love that so much, thank you!
You can also hear me here on Apple Podcasts
And here on Spotify
Subscribe to be the first to know when a new episode of The Turn Yourself On Podcast drops!
Aaaaand I look forward to chatting with you! Bring that tea you love – I’m drinking rose petal tea at the mo – turns the water blue – who knew?!
Join me on Facebook Instagram and Twitter for more love and support. Let’s DO THIS!

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