You have been built for these times. Your body is built to transmute what you see. Every time you see something YUK.
You are more powerful than anything you see.
If you don’t have a way of transmuting what you see? You become that which you see. You absorb what you see and then their energy inside of you becomes your new vibrational point of attraction.
You cannot rise carrying what you see in the world. Otherwise you become a walking reaction. And if you’re a walking reaction? You are no longer walking in your pure energy and manifesting easily because your energy is not fully available to you. It has been diluted and distorted.
It’s essential we have a way of transmuting what we see. What method are you going back to, time and time again?
This is my method that I teach:
1. Express don’t suppress to connect and accept. It’s vital to express how we feel, to let what has come into our bodies, out. (You can read my previous newsletter, What comes in must come out here.) Then we can connect back to ourselves and our soft open heart. If we can’t accept this feeling inside of us? Own that shadow. Ask: Where am I hurting myself? Where am I killing my dreams? How am I suffocating my life force? (My book, Turn Yourself On, will guide you fully through the shadow process.)
2. Remember: My higher self has already moved through this… so I know what to do. Ask for guidance. You’ll hear the higher truth. The highest truth and highest timeline is available to you now. Take it.
3. Visualise what you want to see on this planet and act as if you already have it.
I’m doing this bit more and more. I see a redistribution of power from the top to every person on the planet. We’re all equally in our power (how amazing would that be??) and we have expanded so much that it’s snuffed out the dark power. Now each person has risen up with Mother Nature and our planet is lush, green and is operating in the 5th Dimension. I act as if it’s already happened. What do you want to see? The power is in YOU to co-create NOW. You are the power that you seek. You are the power that you’re waiting for in the outside world. We each hold this power. That’s why you are here.
From harshness to heart. You are a transmuter. Your body is built for these times. Know that the power you see in the world? Is the very same power you have to transmute ANYTHING back to love. That’s why you are here. To do it for yourself IS doing it for the world. Thank you for remembering that the power is in you. It’s never in the outside world.
To strengthen us during this time I’m holding 5 free workshops in June with London club Fora. Each week is a different topic. This Wednesday 3 June is Power Week and clear cut decision making by hearing yourself, believing yourself and trusting yourself at your deepest level. This is you navigating your life, quickly.
You can register for free here.
I’m also running an in-depth 2-hour Power Workshop to turn our power UP on July 8th. Check my Instagram for tickets coming out later on today!
Join me on Facebook Instagram and Twitter for more love and support. x

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