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You’re not here to see the sunrise with me

By February 7, 2014December 3rd, 2018No Comments

I hope you are all really well.  I have a little sad news… A few days ago my “Boo” as we called him (Snowball) our pussycatwas killed instantly when a car hit him last Saturday night.  The wrenching pain that somebody we loved so deeply, so magnificently was gone. Completely.  We would never ever see him again. Not in this house, in that furry body.  Not his mannerisms, not his kisses.  And I know it sounds funny, but I am dreading the cleaner coming next week!  I don’t want his fur, his essence, him moved from our carpet. Ever.

I love him so very much.

It’s been 6 days since he left and I’ve been chatting to Boo daily and even though he is not here in body anymore I feel his spirit with me. I know that he will be with us forever and always.

And yet amidst all this pain, we have been surrounded by what can only be described as Earth Angels.  People who go out of their own lives to help. The Vet Nurse who in the dark drove past what she thought was a hurt little ball of fur, only to double back, find it was Snowball and call us (no answer). So she cancelled her evening, drove his little dead body 30 minutes away to her vet clinic, (which we’ve never been to) ran his microchip, and drove back to us to knock on our door on Saturday night at 11.30pm.

This earth angel thrust her mobile number into our numb hands and told us she will be there for us – to ring her the very next day even though it was Sunday and her day off to tell her what we wanted to do with his body. When we left a message on her phone Sunday she immediately rang back and then drove his little body to us to bury.

I will never forget what this woman did. Thank you thank you thank you. For our rescue, rescue cat (he’d been rescued from a shelter 1 day before he was due to be put down and then we found him, he finally had a home).  For this soul to know he was loved beyond belief and that he finally belonged was so important to him. And in death this Earth Angel looked after him as if he were her own. To know that she was there for him in death brings me relief at this tremendously difficult time.

I want the world to know that her choices that night were that of an angel.  And it got me thinking.

If you’re reading this you are an earth angel too
How do I know this?

I know you think about who needs you all the time. How you could help that person, what you could do…what time do you need to be home by to help…

Only how much do you let yourself do it?

If you saw a ball of fur on the road late at night on your way to a party – would you stop? Or would you be too fearful of what you might see?  I know it would scare me.  Do you act on your impulse to put a hand out to help that older person cross the road or do you double check yourself…they might get offended?

When our Boo died, Earth Angels arrived everywhere! In the form of that vet nurse, my friends and people like YOU!

The choices you and I make today decide how much we become an angel to another. Look around you – who do you see?

HUG them. LOVE them. Accept them.

SMILE BIG at them!

You’re that Earth Angel when you choose to be!

Towards yourself – yes you’re too lovely not to help yourself.


Towards another.

And somebody not very far away will be really glad they met you. Will be really glad you went out of your way to make eye contact and smile deeply at them. You add to that person next to you more than you’ll ever know.

So Boo, you didn’t see the sunrise with me this morning.

But you warm my heart, you warm me when I think of you and these earth angels that are reading this now, that rang us daily, that rang us once with all their heart, that sent us flowers, teddy bears, chocolates, that kept talking to us no matter how hard it was to pick up that phone, YOU will be forever in my soul, warming me.

From me to you thank you for reading this, know that what you do next has the power to warm someone’s heart.

Did you know that you’re warming mine now just by reading this?

More than you’ll ever know. Thank you.

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