If you are feeling like you come last on the list at home, are regularly time pressured, are exhausted, feel like you are just going through the motions most days, that you are doing this on your own, and that your husband doesn’t really see you anymore..
…And you wonder, how on earth did it get to this? You are not depressed, but sometimes you feel you don’t have much to look forward to. There is nothing nourishing your soul. You doubt your choices more than you let on and somewhere along the way you have lost yourself.
Did you know that you are not alone? This is happening to millions of women right now.
Would you like to turn an important corner in your life?
Did you know that if you start putting yourself 1st today it will transform your family life and your health?
..Because everyone wins when you put yourself 1st – want to know what you’re gonna get?
*A rejuvenated relationship with yourself so you start flourishing – just like you were born to
*You’ll receive help, love, support more easily from those you love
*Less arguments
*Less emotional eating, less exhaustion, more energy, with a more happy you
If you were in a coaching session with me right now we would go through a wonderful process of releasing the old you – the part of you who exhausts you. We would start you on a program for receiving in your life – and here are some tips to start you off at home right now:
*You’ve got to put the juice back into your engine so you have energy for the changes – so ask yourself – “what makes me laugh uncontrollably?” “What can I put into my day so I laugh till I almost pee my pants daily?!”
*Take a piece of paper and draw a line vertically down it. On the left side write all the ways you put others 1st to the detriment of yourself. On the right side write what this really costs you in terms of your health, time and money.
*Give yourself permission this week to say yes to every pleasurable offer of help
*Give yourself permission to say “no” to anything that will not add to your happiness.
Putting yourself last will lead to unbalanced marriages and relationships – it means you are worth less than the other person.
I invite you to listen to your heart and to follow your bliss. Teach others how to treat you by the way you treat yourself.
I’ll tell you now, you are so, so worth it.
Leave a comment below and tell me what offer of help you’re going to say yes to this week that normally you’d brush off and say no to?

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