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Energy Booty Call?

By April 14, 2023No Comments

Knowing how to keep your exquisite energy around energy booty callers is KEY to rising after narcissistic abuse.

You see, when we’ve spent a lifetime spending our energy on other people – specifically on those who don’t or can’t reciprocate long term, we get used to our energy leaving us.

And then it becomes our ‘normy norm’ to no longer have an abundance of high creative energy in our bodies.

We get used to feeling tired after interactions and so no wonder we don’t look forward to seeing them again! Because one side is gaining energy whilst the other side is losing energy.

Energetic boundaries are EVERYTHING in these moments.

But discernment, so we keep our sexual energy, creative energy and life-force energy – really whatever you want to call it – is KEY to continuing to RISE after narcissistic abuse and difficult relationships.

Our ENERGY is what makes us feel ALIVE and like US! Without it, who are we? A shadow of our former selves, that’s WHO!

And you can’t create your legacy with restricted access to your signature energy!

IMPOSSIBLE! (Said in major French accent!)

So it’s really important to be able to recognise whether someone is coming at you, because they want a real, genuine, loving relationship with you.

Energy Booty Callers are not wanting to have an equal energy exchange with you. They want your energy and they’re going to call on you to get it.

They will come at you on the premise of asking a question or asking how you are or wanting something that is shrouded in caring, loving energy, but really it is for them.

And they might not even realise they are doing it. They are energy hungry and they see you all lit up, rising and they want some of that, rather than generating it from the inside.

So how do we keep our exquisite energy around energy booty callers?

If you’re not sure on someone’s true intent, ask yourself:

Are you coming at me for me?
Or are you coming at me for you?

The former will leave you feeling energised – spending our energy in reciprocal relationships is energising and will make us feel more alive, more fantastic actually and give us more energy to create what we are here to create!

The latter is a major energy sucker because it’s not reciprocated and it’s not based on love.

Love is, I love you and I love me.
Not, I just love how you make me feel!

So gorgeous woman, LOVE your precious energy and spend it where the energy is going to come back – on projects dear to your heart, on people who value your time and energy and on what makes you happy!

I love you and you are amazing!

By the way, I’m not taking about short term interactions or in relationships where we are the caregiver… I’m talking about relationships were equal energy exchanges should be the norm! MWA!

Flourishing after narcissistic abuse is KEY to you living the life you want to live now, if you want equal energy exchanges as your ‘normy norm’, and then some (!) simply let me know here.


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