Is it hard for you to receive love and attention?
When you’ve been through narcissistic abuse, it’s way scarier to receive attention. You are much more likely to equate attention with danger, because in the past, the attention you received was dangerous – it was abuse – you received attack, blame, manipulation, hatred and control.
So the very thing you crave and deserve, is the very thing you push away in order to stay safe.
I know because I’ve been there. I only felt safe in one sided relationships where it was all about them but not about me…
… OR I stopped trying and just did everything on my own!
The Lone Ranger Syndrome. Not. Fun.
Without real collaboration, love and support, progress in life and business was slow.
I was only comfortable giving attention but not receiving attention. So relationships were draining because I couldn’t receive from them or was picking people I knew wouldn’t give me what I needed.
The patterns of narcissistic abuse run deep. So deep that we may have given up on ever healing from them.
Because when we tried in the past, even with a professional by our side, it just made us feel worse. Even more worthless, lonely, and scared.
That’s what happens when we try to address these patterns head on by going after the trauma response that has been left behind. It just doesn’t work.
But there is a way. A gentler way.
If you recognise yourself in the story above, I would love to take you down the path to thriving again, feeling whole again, feeling love again… if you’re willing?
I’m creating a safe container for women like you who have made it through narcissistic abuse but still suffer from the consequences of what they’ve been through.
It’s called The Pleasure Reset and it’s a 3-day masterclass virtual event. And here’s the best part: It’s my gift to you. Totally free.
You want in?
Here’s the link to register: https://marinaj.net/the-pleasure-reset/

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