When you know HOW to heal yourself? You cannot be broken by the outside world; or by him, or by her or by that situation.
You don’t get triggered by people projecting their own dark side onto you, because you’ve already owned your own dark side. This is shadow work and FREEDOM!
Come dance in the shadow with me today – it’s going to give you your light back no matter how exhausted you are (I’m really exhausted at the mo) and no matter how bad you’re feeling (man I did not have the day I wanted today!)
What is shadow work and how do you do it?
Listen to today’s podcast and discover how to use your fabulous dark side to stay light and on purpose no matter how dark the outside world is. And it ain’t through spiritual bypassing – even though I got accused of doing that last week on my private facebook page (not group – don’t know why I said group twice on the podcast?!) – I’ll explain more in today’s podcast! xx
You can also listen to Ep.22 Lightworkers Cannot be Broken. This is Why We Are Here on Spotify and Apple Hit the subscribe button if you’d like to be notified when the latest episode pops! Or Search for The Turn Yourself On Podcast on your favourite platform. xx
**To learn more about my 6-week shadow intensive to heal your childhood trauma, wounds, triggers and painful situations back into happiness and peace, click here.
See you on Instagram Gab MeWe and The Soul Matrix for the latest.

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