If you’re in reaction?
You’re lowering your vibration and you cut your creativity in half.
As long as we’re reacting to people’s actions, moods and energy, we’re not in our pure energy.
Becoming a walking reaction to people is not you.
The real you is softer, kinder more vulnerable and real.
Being a walking reaction means the world has power over you and is instructing you how to be.
When you’re reacting, what you’re saying is, the world has power over me. Actually it does not. Nobody has the power to make you feel anything.
Not the state of your life, what’s happening in the outside world, him, her or what they did. You are allowed to cultivate your own independent vibration to what’s going on.
In this way you stay high (which is you at your most powerful) to be able to help whilst not being sucked energetically into anything. This takes practice. It’s not about denying what’s happening, it’s saying, I do not have to become it. I do not have to become it to be of help, to be loyal or to be a good person.
Actually you simply need to ask; what wants to move through me? During any interaction. When you follow that and bring the energy down from your higher self and into the interaction, you are being YOU. You are responding rather than reacting.
You don’t need to answer a question just because it’s being asked. What wants to move through you? Follow that.
Your “real you” who is not in reaction to anything, but is, just, you? Is powerful.
Can you respond today rather than react? How would that look? How would you know you were doing it? How would it feel?
A question you might like to meditate on is: Who would I be if I weren’t in reaction to the outside world?
I’m also co-hosting an event “Healing Rejection to get into Creation” for Starseeds and Lightworkers to release rejection so they can fully create their next project. It’s free and it’s on ClubHouse with Gabriella McCallister this Saturday 30th January @ 4pm UK time, 8am PST, 11am EST, 12pm Hong Kong time, sorry Aussies that is 3am for you. Gabriella is American so juggling these time differences is tricky. The link to the event is here. Find me under @marinaj – this conversation is going to be epic!
You can listen to The Turn Yourself On Podcast Ep.19 If you’re in Reaction? You’re lowering your Vibration now on Spotify and Apple Hit the subscribe button if you’d like to be notified when the latest episode pops, POP!
See you on Instagram Gab MeWe and The Soul Matrix for the latest oh and before I forget – you can now receive the Emotional Health Masterclass for free. You can access it by subscribing to my newsletter below (if you’re not already on it) to get immediate access. It’s for you to fall in love with your feelings and shadow so they have no power over you anymore. When we make friends with each part of us? They help us instead of hurt us. This is real self love. This is how I teach shadow work. What’s not to love about you?

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