How are you doing this week? I felt hammered by the dark last week, so I decided to talk about it: What can we do to dissolve the dark? Here is what you need to know:
- What is it about the dark that always makes it weaker than the light?
- Why am I not scared of the dark?
- Why are entities scared of me?
- What can you do when you’re hit by “bad news” from the MSM?
- How can you dissolve dark into the light in your own life?
- Do you know that you’re safe on a soul level? ~ How to access that knowing. ~
- The fabulous dress up party I went to in California that changed my life.
One thing I love to do is to remember that the dark needs to attach to the light for it’s survival (much like a narcissist must ensure it’s supply of light from an empath.) But the light? The light does not need the dark for it’s survival – actually it’s the opposite! Thus, the dark is weaker than the light. Because they need us but we don’t need them. Their pack of cards are already falling. Listen to this podcast to remind you of your own strength. You are strong, you are here and you are going to have a wonderful life. Part of that is knowing how to dissolve the dark into light. It’s a must have for our lifetime and I share how to do that on today’s podcast.
If you’re feeling lonely, know that you are not alone. If you are feeling scared, know that you are going to be alright. The dark is dissolving despite appearances and you beautiful soul are rising more quickly this year than you ever have, despite appearances. Knowing on a soul level that you are safe is also important for you to know, I share this too on this podcast.
I can’t wait to chat to you! See you on Spotify or Apple.
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Much much love,

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