Come and heal yourself from something you’ve got going on. This class is about strengthening your ability to heal yourself. As I’m teaching a 6 week course on this, I wanted to show you what’s possible for you. How powerful you are. And for you to uncover gifts you didn’t know you had.
The healing class is this Wednesday at 9am London time, 8pm Sydney time, 5pm Hong Kong time. It’s for you, it’s free and you’ll walk away having healed something in yourself.
Join us here to be on live and to receive the recording.
I feel like now more than ever we need this skill in us. At the end I’ll chat about the course I’m running but, 99% of this class is about you healing in real time with me. My gift to you.
If you have any friends that need this, send them here to register.
See you Wednesday and know that whatever you’ve got on your mind right now? You also have the gift of being able to heal it.

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