Speak your truth. It will set you free.
I’m running a free workshop on boundaries this Wednesday at 1pm BST. You can join via Zoom by registering and learning more about it here.
I’m also running a workshop to empower yourself, you can learn more about it here.
As the outer world begins to start up again, having energetic boundaries so you don’t absorb the outside world is paramount. We are being asked to get real with ourselves and really hear ourselves. Over these past few days:
What’s been irritating you?
Are you really hearing yourself?
Because it’s time for a reset!
Us Goddesses are getting real about…
… How things really are, and what’s ok and what’s not ok for you anymore is catalysing if you follow its thread to the action it’s wanting you to make.
Do you need to say something?
Be you differently in the world?
Ask for support from upstairs and from people?
Don’t get cross that you’re cross.
Or annoyed that you’re annoyed.
Your anger = a catalyst for change.
Hear yourself.
Believe how you feel.
Trust that it’s leading you to the changes you’ve never been able to follow through on before.
Give yourself time to formulate a plan. You’ll know when it’s the right time to take action.
For now, can you:
Have compassion for yourself?
Say yes to yourself?
Say no to what hurts your life?
Boundaries ARE self-support. They support you. What are you being called to re-set in your life? A lighter vibration awaits!
Join me on Facebook Instagram and Twitter for more love and support. x

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