So this is me walking down a pretty street in Nerja, Spain a few weeks ago. If you’ve been following me on social media you’ll know why it was a much needed break!
I’m going to get right to it – this month is:
The Narc Class: How to heal from narcissistic abuse.
(Especially if you’re empathic and over-giving in nature.)
How do you spot a narc?
- Look at who you can’t say no to.
- Are they blaming you for telling the truth?
- Are they acting the victim when really it’s you who’s the victim of their abuse?
You can’t heal from narcissistic abuse if you don’t know what it is.
So this class is in two parts:
Clarity: Learn to spot the red flags in any relationship.
Heal it: How to heal from narcissistic abuse so that you get yourself BACK!
Narcissistic abuse is like no other. I often liken it to being kissed by a Dementor (character found in the Harry Potter books) because they can suck the life right out of you. We’ll cover what the red flags are including, gaslighting, smear campaigns and flying monkeys in a checklist that will give you clarity. Validation begins your healing. So let’s get clear together, you are not alone if this has happened to you or is happening to you x
I’ve coached clinical psychologists, single mums, counsellors, successful business women and everyone in between on healing from narc abuse. Bottom line is, it can happen to anyone – the brighter the light the more attractive you become to narcissists.
But here’s the good news:
You can heal from it and FUCKING FLOURISH if you understand the lesson and apply it:
Narcissists = Me first
Empaths = You first
Would you like to know how to learn this lesson once and for all so you can:
A) Vibrate narcissists right out of your reality, for good?
B) Live this lesson and put yourself first without hurting people? Because I know you don’t want to hurt anybody.
In The Narc Class we’re going to:
- Go through a checklist together so you can spot the red flags in your personal life and business life.
- Subconsciously heal using Shadow Work.
This is a big class because it’s a big topic. I don’t believe in blaming narcissists but I do believe in using them to RISE.
I feel that one of the biggest themes on this planet right now is healing the empath/narcissist paradigm. From dealing with customer service people who don’t say sorry or take responsibility; to people in your life who do much worse but blame you or act the victim and manipulate others who then don’t believe you, when confronted.
The reason I’m running this class is because you have an important life purpose and it’s imperative that you get there without these energy leaks. Quickly. The planet needs you.
If you’re experiencing violence, verbal abuse or any kind of abuse, I invite you to take a 1:1 session with a therapist who can personally support you. This class is designed to empower and heal you if you are able to work independently or to supplement the work you’re already doing.
PS This isn’t going to be a depressing kind of class. It’s going to be a no bullshit class. A powerful class and a healing class. If you’re up for that and want to reclaim your energy and self, then you’re invited! xx

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