Has it been hard to get up in the mornings? Like you just need another half an hour…
And maybe you don’t feel like going to the gym as much – and the thought of that high impact high adrenaline work out? Makes you want to lie on the couch and eat bon bons all day…
It’s like your motivation has slipped or something.
So you’re pushing through with coffee/chocolate at 3pm, but truthfully you’d rather just be reading a good book curled up on the couch with a squishy warm pudding by your side….
Should you be worried?
That you’re slacking?
Should you be beating yourself up?
Because you’re getting less done….
– And let’s face it, the stuff you are doing right now?
Is going against the grain ain’t it?
You’re so lazy…
Gawd – you just want to be left ALONE. And it’s all going too fast for you… you just want to go slower, slower, s-l-o-w.
This video is for you if you feel flat and don’t know why.
You’re not LAZY! You’re actually in alignment!
If you want to feel better right now? This is your guide to winter, from me to you!
If you’re in the northern hemisphere and in summer right now? Bookmark this for November.
Watch the video on winter above now
You’re Never On Your Own When You Have You By Your Side.
We women need to receive!
WAY more than we are today – and even though we know it, we’ve become so used to not following what turns us on, that we flat-line.
In Turn Yourself On you’ll turn your ability to receive ON, you’ll give yourself permission to receive more pleasure than you ever have – and that face and body of yours? Is gonna GLOW! BIG TIME!
You ready?
Click here to begin Turning Yourself ON today

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Love this! You’ve given me permission to give into it. Thank you. I can never get up in the mornings though- whatever the season! Takes me ages! In the U.K., the winter seems to last for at least half the year and I always fight the urge to slow down or be lazy but I’ll try that a bit more this winter! Thank you. You look stunning by the way xx