Do you ever wish you could recharge your soul when you get home from work really easily and quickly, but literally have no place to do it? What if you created one, just for you? So you emerge rejuvenated and ALIVE again?
Let’s get creative and create a healing room in your home – a safe space where you can go to – to recharge yourself for a few minutes each day. It’s going to be beautiful and we’re going to fill it with all the things that make us happy!
Do you remember that in my last video we created an internal healing room? Well this is the external version of that! (FYI – if you find it hard to meditate but want to connect deeply to yourself, watch the internal healing room video here.)
Does it need to be a whole room? NO! Not at all. But I do want you to look at that corner of your room, or that bit of your couch or your bedside table as the sacred part of your home where you come to recharge your soul.
Watch the video for idea’s and inspiration, you deserve a soft place to land each day – a place filled with self-love… that gives back to you. x
Enjoy creating it and I’d love to hear or see what you create!
If you’re reading Turn Yourself On turn to page 101 and start with the Goddess Gauge, to support you more deliciously.
In this video I’ll be guiding you to create your external healing room – so you can begin recharging your soul – enjoy!
Watch the video above now.
Your Soul Craves Peace More than you Know…
Boost Your Belief in Yourself:
I’m running a special workshop this weekend – am so excited! It’s at the Sydney Mind Body Spirit Festival in Darling Harbour to Boost Your Belief in Yourself on Saturday 27th May – tickets are free click here to get yours.
Turn Yourself On:

Who is setting the tone for your life and home? Is it you? Is it him? Or have you given up? How Goddess friendly is your home, your fridge, your night gonna be, tonight? As a woman there has to be a level of deliciousness for you to be turned on by it.
How much is your life turning you on right now?
Click here to begin Turning Yourself ON today

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