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#1 Best Seller on Amazon

By January 27, 2016December 1st, 2018No Comments

Turn Yourself On reached #1 Best Seller in 3 days in the USA and in 3 hours in the UK – on Amazon – I’m still catching my breath!

Meet the gorgeous Claire Reynolds above who received her book over the weekend in the UK – love the pic Claire!

As you know we launched my new book ‘Turn Yourself On’ on Wednesday 20th January and it’s been an incredible week!  All I ever wanted was for this book to reach you, the woman who needed it.  Some of you have been asking me what my campaign was to get to No.1 to which the surprising answer is – we weren’t even trying to get to No.1 – it was a total surprise both times so I can’t tell you how we did it!

But I can thank you for sharing my book to those women who need it – so I’m thanking and hugging you now because if I can help that woman you just shared it with, that’s everything to me. Something in me settles.

And so I love how creative you’ve been in sharing this book – some of you are selling it in your businesses already and some of you are buying it especially for that special friend that could really do with it.  One woman particularly stood out though, not just for how much she shared but for how she shared – and so the winner of the $295 prize is…

Naomi Scougall


You get instant access to Turn Yourself On at Home – 18 audio’s + workbook – you’ll hear me guiding you through the processes in this book (we did it in a recording studio so it’s really cool) and you also receive a 30 minute coaching session with me and a signed copy of the book – look out for an e-mail in your inbox Goddess!

So today I wanted to personally invite you to my virtual book launch – but with all the hoopla that’s been generated it’s been really hard to concentrate on anything else…and it seems we have a lot of you who want to be at the launch…so with your blessing – are you happy to receive your invite in a few weeks time?  I promise you it will be way more fabulous than we were planning for and then we’ll PARTY HUGE!

So instead, would you like to take a little peek at my book Turn Yourself On?

Read on…


Excerpt from, “Turn Yourself On’ by Marina J. Copyright 2016:

Am I in *Dry-out Today?

*Dry-out = Where you feel sucked dry by a part or all of your life

(It’s a little term I came up with one day and I think it fits us women perfectly don’t you?)


  1. Everything is a chore.
  2. You go from 0 – anger in 3.5 seconds, faster than any Goddamn sports car on the planet. Yeah…stick it up your Axxe Ferrari.
  3. You don’t ask for help when it’s offered – “I’m fine!” You say. And you actually believe it at the time.
  4. You crave chocolate, Hollywood gossip, anything that distracts you for 5 minutes before the next big “push.”
  5. You don’t feel juicy anymore; instead you’re overwhelmed with all that there is to do, you’re tired and brittle. You feel less; you are numbed out by it all.
  6. You are frequently annoyed by him and have these sit down chats or stand up yelling matches. Either way, nothing changes, he still doesn’t listen.
  7. You feel guilty for not doing enough, for not being a good enough mum/wife/success in business/healthy woman/fill in the blank.
  8. You cannot imagine 2 hours in a row without compromise. Unless it’s a special event or you’re asleep.
  9. You never have enough time
  10. Sex feels like another thing to do on your to do list.
  11. You live quite happily in Making-Do-Land. All your friends do it.

If you’ve felt at least one of these this week, Goddess, you’re in Dry-out. The good news is you are reading exactly the right book to shake yourself free of Dry-out…and the antidote?  To Turn Yourself ON of course!


I’m taking my bow now…see you in February!

Thank you for all your beautiful messages, gifts and flowers on launch day – you surprised me!

Once you get my book if you feel moved to do so I would love you to leave a fabulous 5 Star review on my Amazon book page (you don’t need to have bought your book from Amazon to do so.)

And if you haven’t already and need a link to it –  you can get my book here and catch up with my news here on Facebook and Twitter.  Come like my pages and say hi – it’s way more fun for us to go through this ride together!

My love to you

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