So how are you doing? Is it all a bit mad your end or super relaxed and you’re winding down? It’s a bit mad this end – I must remember to never ever attempt a book launch for just after Christmas – tis lunacy!
So in the name of lunacy and all things crazy Christmas I’d like to wish you a brilliant day full of people who do not bring you down but bring you up and out into the light. People around you who adore you and just want to hug you and love you. Happiness overflowing from every glass of wine or cup of tea you drink that just makes you go ahhhhh.
I’d like to thank you for being happy to hear from me every once in a while and I cannot wait to share my book with you in the coming weeks.
So, whether you are in fact winding down (I’m not jealous, I’m not jealous, I’m not jealous) or jumping around mad as a hatter:
Know that you are here on this planet to enjoy it and that when you get too overwrought or you’re feeling blah and flat – it’s basically down to 3 things as I see it:
1. You’ve been engaging in too much “human” stuff. Ie. shopping, working, phoning, organising…and not enough spirit stuff. Spirit stuff is the stuff that makes you all light and gooey again. It’s the stuff that makes you glad to be alive and get’s you back enjoying life on this planet. Spirit stuff feels hardest to reach when engaging in a million things all at once, but once you do it, you’re bloody glad you did and often wonder why you didn’t do it in the first place. So when you’re feeling unable to enjoy someone’s smile because you must get on? You’ve become too human and dense in energy and it’s time to go up. How you go up is up to you. For some people it’s up via meditation, for others it’s off having a surf, it might be yoga for you or a big fat massage. But one thing’s for sure, you need it.
2. You’re not getting enough help. Help with big life decisions. Loading the dishwasher. Planning for Christmas. At work. Sure you can do it on your own but it’s putting you in a bad mood. Quit the pretending you don’t need help. That’s just for suckers. There is no pride in doing it on your own when you’re feeling like this. And you shouldn’t have to do it on your own. Not at this time of year. So: ASK. Ask him. Ask her. Ask your boss. Your fear of asking MUST be placed very neatly into a little paper ball and then blasted into smithereens. You asking is the difference between feeling part of something special (your family, your work place, your friends) and feeling alone and hating everybody because they just drain you. Ask. (I have a whole section on this in my new book. I’m not saying this to blag my new book, but just so you know some frank very cool help is coming your way. It’s helped me tons.)
3. You’re going after what you don’t need. What’s that you say? Yes. Mmm. You’re going after what you don’t need: STUFF. Stuff is good and great, bloody fantastic to open at Christmas, but too much stuff can take you away from happiness. Because all your feeling has gone out the window and it just becomes about ticking that person off your list. So yes tick them off the list – but are you on that list? Even for just a fraction of a second? What if you received a little present from yourself today? Think: a gemstone in your bra (not weird, just a little boost to your system that no-one else needs to know about, but you’ll know and the energy of that gemstone will have you buzzing.) Or yes, splurge on getting 3 green juices to put in your fridge for the next 3 days to go to at that 3pm slump. So you’re ready for you. For when the tiredness hits.
This is important for you to absorb now so you can add some soft gooeyness to your day. It will give you your happiness back and that is the sweetest gift you have to give yourself:
Your Happy.
So now I’m going to ask you – what do you do when you’ve become “too human?” What takes you out of blah and into soft, light and gooey again? I’d love to hear in the comments below.
Big hugs and big kisses, I hope you have a gorgeous Christmas and New Year! Be sure to look out for my big news!
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Beautiful reminder. Thank you for helping remind me whats going on when you just can’t put your finger on it. xxx
Exactly. You’re not going mad, glad I could help