Darling you’re a Queen!
OWN it so nobody owns YOU.
So nobody owns your time, or how GOOD you are to you!
If you’ve ever struggled with getting your own needs met in a relationship this my darling is for you! If you truly know you’re meant for more, this mindset shift will change the rest of your life.
Once upon a time there was a Queen named Marina. She knew she was a Queen and sat on her beautiful throne fully in her power and magnificence. She loved all that came before her…and became so moved by two women’s needs in particular – she decided there could only be ONE Queen in this relationship. So she got busy helping them. Their lives took off – she’d polished them up. But she remained a pauper in their eyes, only allowed in this relationship to serve. Then one day she woke up. Exhaustion turned into hallelujah and this Queen finally understood. It was time for her to rise again in these relationships. She rose like a phoenix from the ashes and something funny happened. The other two Queens didn’t like it. They snapped and got cross. So this Queen gently let them go…
…And in true Disney style now she lives happily ever after! (Smiley face!) But you know what I mean right?
If you’ve struggled in the past with being used in relationships this is your guide to treating yourself like a Queen so it does not happen again! And why is this so important? Don’t you deserve your best year yet? We have the rest of the year to go…umm…
Where’s your crown?
Where have you put it? Is it on your friends head? Is it oddly on your husbands? (…So does not suit him…) What are you a slave to? Who are you a paupering to?
Write it down. Or at least say it out loud. You’ll be surprised.
One very valuable lesson I’ve learnt
For friendships: It only works if there are two Queens having a gorgeous time not one!
For relationships: There can only be ONE Queen in this relationship and that’s YOU baby! Otherwise it doesn’t work. And then? He can become your king, your hero, your dreeeeeeaaaaaam guy.
For business relationships: You are the Queen of your business, they of theirs – never ever bow down and stay down. Know why? They’ll forget to respect your boundaries, it will slip their minds to treat you highly or they won’t take responsibility for their actions. Oh and they won’t pay you properly either.
Want to treat yourself beautifully?
Yes your majesty!
Put your CROWN on Goddess – go on! Put it on as you read this – gosh it suits you! Breathe into your magnificence – forgive yourself for bowing down to others – and STAND for yourself and DECIDE to put your energy into YOU! (You just forgot for a while – tis ok – happens to the BEST of us you know!)
So Queen? This delicious ACT starts with the relationship you have with yourself! The relationship you have with yourself is the most important one you’ll ever have because it sets the tone for how much others give to you and how they treat you. So you gotta:
…Treat yourself like a Queen to attract the people in your life who only want to treat you the same.
…Who cannot wait to treat you beautifully, exquisitely, just as you’ve always wanted…
And how do you do that?
Well, you do it bit by bit Goddess! Here are some ideas:
Treat Yourself Like A Queen
- Expect the BEST for yourself. Yesiree. And don’t you forget that!
- Surround yourself with other fabulous Queens and Kings who add to you, and remind you what’s possible for you too!
- TRUST your feelings. If they make you feel just icky and tired, they are not for you.
- LOVE yourself like you never have before! What does this mean to you? How would your day change today?
- Come out of your old serving habit and serve yourself FIRST!
- Serve your pleasure, happiness and sensuality first…mmmm yes. Orgasms. Massages. Meditations. Feel. Breathe. Be.
- It’s how you STAND. It’s how you SIT. Your posture informs your soul and other people of your level of self respect.
Want to have your BEST year yet?
Can you feel the energy rising in you? You’ve known it all along – YES you’re a QUEEN! You’re a Queen and your life deserves to become more light filled and softer for you. How do you want to feel for the rest of year? Tell me out loud. What would be in your year that isn’t now? What would be no longer in your year that is now? See a vision that inspires you – go on – close your beautiful eyes, see a vision that’s fit for a Queen. Yes that’s you. Now write out a list of the shape and size you want your year to be…I desire this and I desire that.
Darling you’re a Queen – RAISE your standards for your life Up Up UPP!
And those around you? They’ll either rise up happily with you or not like it and drop away…your job? Is to treat them as a Queen and ALWAYS yourself as a Queen. It’s both or nothing. That’s your highest vibration for a relationship and YES you deserve it and yes you can have it.
Treat yourself in every moment as you would a dignitary. An important person. A friend. How would your next hour look indeed if you did? Would you have a more comfy seat? A better drink in a nicer cup? Would you be wearing different clothes? Say no to that silly request? Would you light that extra candle? Receive more support? Do less? Goddamit you know you would! Would you treat yourself to a new type of friendship? Job? Marriage? A de-cluttered house? Would you only have those in your life who respect and LOVE you deeply? Would you in fact have a rather different looking week let alone rest of the year? I BET you would!
I’d love to hear how you’re going to treat yourself beautifully in the next hour – from something big to something small, darling you’re a Queen and I cannot wait to talk to you! As you see me a Queen I see you and that is real respect. Real self love. Real LIFE. Really adding to this planet. Goddess I salute the Queen in you!
I’d love to hear what you’re choosing for yourself in the next hour in the comments below!

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