Believe in Yourself! – it’s the secret ingredient to you running a successful business, it’s the same secret ingredient to you attracting the man of your dreams and then some.
You have to believe in you to attract the moon and the stars to you.
It’s the secret ingredient to attracting the impossible to you.
Believing in yourself is the secret ingredient that every successful person you admire has and it’s the secret ingredient you need in droves, buckets & large spoonfuls to have what you want this year.
And without it? Without it is to stay stuck to this very spot and be hurt that you still haven’t got there yet.
And the longer you don’t believe in yourself? The more proof that follows you around like a nasty drippy cold, that in actual fact you do know nothing, can’t do it and let’s face it – you aren’t very good.
And what perpetuates a severe lack of belief in lovely sunny you ?
- Well…let’s face it, you don’t have much proof of success of your “thing” whatever your thing is.
So it’s hard. One minute you’re up. The next you’re down. - You see what “she’s” done with her business,
“Oh no” you can feel your self-belief draining away… “how will I ever be up where she is?” - You see a happy, carefree face in the crowd. I used to be that you think.
Whereas now I feel so tethered, so trapped by judgement. Internal and external. - You see shiny happy images on social media which do not spur you on. You wish. No. They make you want to disappear under a large stash of chocolate – preferably milk.
- You just don’t feel good enough most days…
which kind of stops you EVER being 100% pure YOU. - You know you’re too transfixed on what others are doing to get into your own groove, your own energy, your own THING…sigh…
- You’re self-sabotaging your chances of success in business, with you + him, with your health…
and all because…
Somewhere along the line you stopped believing in yourself! And now your paper thin belief gets knocked at the slightest knock from somebody or something and whilst you know you’re bigger than this…you can’t seem to believe in yourself for long periods of time.
And the kicker?
The kicker is that it hurts not just your chances in business, relationships and health and everything else…it robs everyone around you of your special thing and so that hurts you even more until…
you want to yell ENOUGH!
And that’s a very good place to be.
You there yet? Or you still languishing in it’s alright?
If you’re still languishing, you’re not ready to read on – my love to you, have fun surfing the net for distraction.
You hate yourself when you’re like this and can’t come out of it. You don’t get spurred on by anything, just dampened.
And that’s just not you is it?
You’re clever, you know you’re talented, you know deep down you can do it and you know deep deep down that it is possible for you.
But believing in yourself on a daily sustained basis…
– no matter what hits you between the eyes,
– no matter what you’ve just done to hurt, sabotage, delay your happiness, success, forward motion…
Is an art. It’s one that you deserve to become very good at.
Yes self-belief – it’s not for the faint hearted. It’s for those of you who are ready to roar like a lion. Because you know it’s your time. Because you’re ready.
Here’s my definition of self belief:
Self-Belief = it’s when the sound of your own idea, your own path is LOUDER than anyone else’s.
So take a tentative step and ask yourself:
If I knew I couldn’t fail today – what would I whole heartedly do?
Close your eyes and hear your answer.
Do you believe your answer?
You need to.
Remember, self-belief is when the sound of your own idea, your own path, your own voice is louder than anyone else’s, including your self-doubt.
Ok let’s practice, remember it’s an art and your self-belief grows when you practice it daily. Let’s start with you supporting you to get the belief ball rolling.
Describe your essence in 6 words.
Here’s mine:
Vibrant, vivacious, gifted, pinky red, Goddess
I asked a coaching client of mine to share hers for this article and she’s happy to share it with you – hers is:
Blue silver, wealthy, quietly magnificent, breathtaking.
What’s yours?
Write it out in the comments below and then draw it out for yourself – use colours, sequins, feathers, and especially if you are a crap drawer (like me) just get the essence of it down, now – this is your essence.
Do you believe in that?
You need to. This is the essence you were given to go out in the world with – this is the essence the world needs to be watered with. Imagine that you are the elixir for some corner of the world – and carry this drawing of your essence with you to look at to increase your self belief. It’s not so much what you do – it’s more that your essence of YOU flows through all that you do.
And your essence? Is beautiful.
Can you infuse it through all you do today?
(No matter if it’s what you want to be doing or not.)
So congratulations – you just got your belief ball rolling!
I was coaching a client 10 years ago who got so enthralled with the work she did with me that she started a business.
The business wasn’t her energy. It was the energy she thought she had to have.
It was the energy that inspired her. But it wasn’t her own.
So it failed. And that’s how this world works.
Rock your own energy – it’s always perfect, never wrong, always beautiful and always, always so needed in this world.
Believe in that and you can’t go wrong.
It’s your ticket out of here!
What’s your energy?
I’d love to hear in the comments below!

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Bright, vivacious,optimistic,loving, determined!
Beautiful! Emma, can you infuse all that you do today with this beautiful essence of yours? Big HUG xx
My energy is lifted when I feel angry at myself for not believing in myself! I think of all the people in my life who have made me feel bad about myself (mainly being bullied at school) and I think no way will I allow them or myself to do that to me anymore!
Low self esteem seems to be an epidemic, esp amongst women! I know very few women who have great self-esteem, even if they appear confident and successful on the outside. We turn to vices like drink and chocolate and spend money in other ways in an attempt to feel better about ourselves, but it’s a quick fix and doesn’t work. We don’t invest properly in lifting our self-esteem and low self esteem seems to be the basis of so many problems in the world.
The coaching I had with you really helped my self esteem to lift and I will be eternally grateful to you for that x
Slam dunk – Suzy – YOU GOT IT! I love that your energy spikes when you remember to value yourself – and you’re right it is an epidemic that no woman deserves to be a part of.
You know what I say?
Value yourself – it’s the kindest thing you can do for everyone!
Loved coaching you – and look where you are now – WOOO! xx
Lovely and inspired writing – I LOVE how your writing makes me feel Marina… thank YOU!
Thank you Lisa, well I love how you just made me feel when you wrote this too! How we make each other feel has such a big impact on how-we-then-feel – and how much we can give to the world, thank you xx
I really like the idea of seeing yourself as nouns – not just adjectives – as if we are symbols, or an essence of something bigger. Its an inspired idea. Its easy to see how you would come to associate yourself by default with the qualities you admire in yourself, and draw strength from it, as a force. A thought-provoking article, thank you!
My pleasure James! Your essence will always strengthen you when you remember it’s one of the most important things about you. So ROCK it! Nice to see a guy here 😉
Pink, radiant, sexy, courageous, special Perfect timing as always Marina, thank you for living your purpose x
WOOOO Magdalena! Thank YOU for sharing your magnificence with us!! And thank you for your lovely message xx