Here is a preview of my book on Kindle:
Radio Interview
I was lucky enough to be on the exquisite Anthony and Alyse show on Trend Radio in the US! You’ll hear a guy’s perspective too on us women and YES making us happy – it’s fantastic!
Part 1
Audio PlayerPart 2
Audio PlayerTurn Yourself On will turn your power on and get you your fabulous back! After upset with him, with her, or with life in general – because your happiness is everything. This is your best friend and handbook for life.
Are you:
- Hurt or upset by what they just did to you?
- Worried because of what’s been going on?
- Angry with yourself for sabotaging yourself again?
- Crap at asking for what you want?
- Ready for a big fat change?
- …And ready to be utterly fabulous?
Open this book at the exact page you need; each page is overflowing with an opulence of gorgeous tools, ideas and techniques that will get you your fabulous BACK!
From learning how to turn on your sensuality, your self-love, and your ability to heal…to what to do when you’re having a bad day?
…Turn Yourself On will put a rocket in those knickers of yours! With relationship expert and #1 best-selling author Marina J by your side, you’ll receive the confidence and the glittery know-how to powerfully heal yourself back to fabulous – because for a woman like you? Nothing less will do.
When you grab a copy of my book, you’ll find a secret code inside that gives you special access to even more support – it’s my gift to you xx
Heidi. P –
This book is magical, yet genuinely grounded in its support! Marina is the real deal and if you need to improve your life in any way, it begins with self love – turning yourself on to a life you deserve xx