Would you like to know how to increase your intuition from its current level? To make quicker, better decisions for yourself? In business, relationships, making money and with a particular situation?
Intuition is my guidance system to ‘there.’ It’s the quickest route anywhere. She really is my guiding light.
Every time I increase my intuition:
- I connect more profoundly to ME!
- I hear, know and trust my truth and ACT on it.
- I cut through crap quicker (you know what I mean!)
- I make more money. Woohoo!
- I have access to higher and higher levels of guidance and success
- I feel lighter; I LOVE having access to both worlds!
So how can you increase your intuition right now?
Answer = by trusting your breath AND your body. No buts!
Because you already KNOW it!
YOUR BODY ALREADY KNOWS YOUR TRUTH and it’s communicating to you right now.
Can you hear it?
Close your eyes and think about the situation you need to make a decision on.
Notice your breathing and your body… do they get lighter or heavier as you think about doing ‘this?’ ~ Come away from people’s judgements and just focus on this.~ Your body is talking to you, give yourself space to hear it.
A question that guides me is:
Is this me treating myself like a Goddess?
… What answer did you get?
You just heard your intuition! Be brave enough to trust it, value it and take action on it.
Want to strengthen this power you have?
I’m running an intuition class this Monday. The Increase Your Intuition Class is to increase your intuition in real time. We’re going to do it together!
I’ll be joined by Athina Bailey, Kinesiologist, Reiki Teacher and Psychic Clairvoyant. She helps lightworkers step into their full power, learn to activate their own psychic abilities and fully embody their purpose here. She’s one of my go-to people whenever I need increased access to my intuition, healing and truth. She is utterly amazing.
I am using a brand new webinar system which means… you will be able to come on camera and ask your questions LIVE!
I’m really looking forward to doing this class with you! To join us click here.

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