Are you more comfortable giving just a little bit more and receiving just a little bit less in life? Even with all the self-help books you’ve read?
I hear you.
It happens to the best women I know and because of it, projects can be hard to get off the ground, we can feel exhausted and our GLOW and creativity can dry up quicker than a crisp! Because quite frankly? We’re not getting what we need.
We. Dry. Out. When. We. Don’t. Receive.
I’m running a workshop here this weekend, to clear your patterns where you subconsciously block receiving. (See below.)
Here are my top 3 tips for climbing out of that exhaustion trap because you’ve given too much:
1. You don’t owe anybody anything. Breathe that in. Stop trying to be the nice girl. That’s your unworthiness talking. Stop trying to “save them.” You might just help them grow strength if you back off a little.
2. Be brazen and ASK for what you want. And if you really want to treat yourself like a Goddess? Ask for MORE than you really need. Scary, but I guarantee you your GLOW will start to come back. And there is a way. P.79 in Turn Yourself On will give you the exact structure to do this so you feel GOOOOOD all the way. It’s helped thousands of women and it’s changed my life countless times.
3. Remember: You are responsible to them not for them. You are responsible to do your best, but you are not responsible for the outcome. Let that go.
Goddess? Practice a little self-love tonight. No-one is going to come and save you and realise what you need. Rescue yourself in 1,2,3. And for extra cherries on top? Thank yourself for being this AMAZING woman YOU ARE and treat yourself tonight with a warm bath, hot shower and slowly massage some body moisturiser into your skin – slowly – sensually. If you do this? You’re receiving MORE than usual and you know what? It SUITS YOU!
Ready for The Self-Love Experience? OO!
Are you ready to start receiving?
More love? More money? More joy?
Did you know that the level of self-love you have for yourself right now is dictating how much love, joy and abundance you’re letting in?
The Self-Love Experience is my NEW energising 4-hour half-day workshop! Together, we’ll use powerful healing methods to turn your self-love UP to utterly DELICIOUS.
We’ll use shadow work plus I’ll share with you new self-care techniques that will make you GLOW during the many busy weeks ahead!
We’ll dance, laugh and feel very very safe to go in deep and SHIFT the old OUT. It’s time for the NEW you – are you ready Goddess? Are you ready to fall in love with yourself just the way you are?
I’ve taken thousands of women through these techniques to free themselves from the relationship dynamics that are hurting them the most, either with themselves or another so they’re free to create a life that turns them ON!
You’ll walk away with:
1. Reprogrammed belief Systems.
2. A new level of self-love + healing tools to use for the rest of your life.
3. Real deep transformation from subconscious healing + shadow work.
4. A new mindset to treat yourself like a Queen. OO!
5. Your GLOW back!
This is the right workshop for you if you’re ready to fall in LOVE with yourself, clear the blocks to RECEIVING in relationships and RAISE your standards for yourself.
Join me on this workshop so you RISE up to where you belong!
Lots of love to you Goddess,

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