Believe in Yourself Sister. That’s the message I got this morning loudly. Not just for me but also for all of us. Would you like to boost your belief with me this morning? Because it’s the secret ingredient to moving forward in life.
It’s the difference between where you are this morning and where you know you’re meant to be.
Because what you want hasn’t materialised in the outside world yet. So you have no proof that it’s the right way to go. The only proof you have to go on? Is that knowing inside of you.
So how do you boost your belief in yourself? Well it’s a big topic but here are three gorgeous injections to boost your belief in yourself today:
- Take your attention off the outside world and back inside of you. Because self-belief is an inside job. You’re not going ignite it by looking outwards today. Or if you do – that won’t last very long. Spend 20 seconds connecting to why you’re wanting to take this next step. How will it benefit the people you help? How will it benefit you?
- If you knew you’d be successful – what would your next step be? Write it down or say it out loud.
- Schedule time TODAY to do it. Put it in your diary or calendar right now. This is you moving from self-belief rather than fear.
Choose to take a big step today or a small step. How much you do is up to you. I’m going to invite you to move from what’s inside of you – to move from your self-belief. Stay inside of yourself.
You’ll be more connected to your soul and more connected to spirit today as you’re moving from your inner wisdom.
**Below is my NEW workshop! + two podcasts on self-belief and manifesting:
Did you know that you’ve been designed to fall in love with yourself exactly as you are? There’s nothing you need to change about yourself! Rather it’s the way you think about yourself that needs to.
It doesn’t matter if you’re self-sabotaging, self-doubting, putting yourself last, being put last by him, her or them. It doesn’t matter if you’re ashamed at what you’ve just done or not done. It doesn’t matter if you’re procrastinating, feeling like you aren’t good enough or feel angry with yourself. It also doesn’t matter how they see you.
I see you and you’ve been made to love and be loved. When you love yourself? Just as you are? You’re free.
Free to be you, without worrying about what people think of you. You become powerful and whole – because every part of you is needed to live your best life. (Did you know that? You weren’t made wrong!) When you know how to love and accept yourself? Relationships improve (because you’re improving the one with yourself.) And you’ll feel happier, comfortable in your own skin, lighter, and free to create whatever is in your heart. That’s real freedom.
The Self-Love Experience is right for you if you want to experience REAL self-love. The kind that doesn’t ask you to be positive all the time, or to suppress how you really feel about yourself.
Instead I’m going to take you through The Marina Freedom Method (TMFM) that will show you how to free yourself from self-hate and self-judgement to begin gently turning up your real self-love. We’re going to do it together and you’ll leave this workshop:
- Knowing how to trust in your feelings to make decisions with confidence
- Using TMFM in your daily life to free yourself from your old patterns of pain
- Gently turning up your self-love and self-acceptance
- Feeling renewed, inspired and with real tools to use for the rest of your life
You’ll know if this talks to you! Join me here.
The Self-Love Experience. Saturday 12th May 12.00 – 4.00pm. Sydney.
1. I was interviewed on the beautiful Janeen Vospers Podcast about having no self-belief for a week (nearly killed me) what I used to do as a single mum in queues to RISE and why there’s nothing wrong with you that you’re still in the same spot. (In life.) I also share my inner-most thoughts… x
If you’d like some real talk + be uplifted my interview on The We Are Women Podcast is here
2. I was interviewed by Psychologist Dr Brooklyn Storme recently again (I love her) and I talk about when you get so disillusioned with stuff that you stop manifesting.(Happens to all of us.) I take us through one of the manifesting processes to kickstart you again. It’s how I manifested the love of my life, my dream home and lots of other lovely things.
If this talks to you – you can hop onto the podcast – it’s here
Turn Yourself On:
Each page is overflowing with an opulence of gorgeous tools, ideas and techniques that will get you your fabulous back!
…And it’s never too late to start… x
Thank you Monika from England for the lovely pic! xx
Click here to begin Turning Yourself ON today
Join me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, I love love love hearing from you!
Have a beautiful week, worthy of you Goddess!

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