My darling what OLD skin are you being called upon to shed NOW?
That should no longer be a part of your divine self?
The part of you that OVER-gives?
The part of you that vastly UNDER-values herself?
The part of you that ISN’T so GOOD to herself?
Are you getting the same messages that so many women across the world are… to stop over-giving and open up to receiving what you know you finally deserve? Whether it’s abundance, real love, time or the dream you want?
A Quick Guide:
Feminine = Receiving, feelings, manifesting.
Masculine = Doing, thinking, charging after what you want.
I’m running a webinar tomorrow for a group of wonderful women to increase their natural ability to receive – tis v timely!
What habit do you need to let go of to receive?
What freedom are you yearning for right now?
Can it really be so easy just to say; “I’m no longer going to over-give?” “I’m no longer going to…?”
And as soon as you’ve made this decision?
Increase it by saying to the Universe regularly today:
**I Am Ready For My Miracles!**
AND you are!
…Stop Press… You know I’m realising more and more how easy it is to burn out doing what I love. I realise that’s a funny thing to say – but I love helping women so so much – I actually get an internal pull to help you when I’m talking to you! (And that could be in the supermarket, in a session with me, or on this thing… my newsletter!)
Are you the same with what you do?
I love being a mum also – and again – that takes energy…
What are you doing right now that’s taking up most of your energy?
Is it your job? Parenting? A project? Your business? Are you looking after someone?
As I get older I realise I must take care of my body and soul daily so I don’t burn out; doing what I LOVE or doing what I don’t LOVE!
So I wanted to put an evening on for us that would rejuvenate us, and give us real support on avoiding burn out.
Burn out can begin so quietly – irritability, being overwhelmed by the afternoon, a busy head before bed…
I’ve invited the divine Penelope Jayne to come talk to us so we “Burn Bright Not Burn Out.”
I love her and I know you will too. 5-years ago Penelope was an international creative director and photographer jetting around the globe…
… all that changed when she became bedridden with illness and chronic exhaustion.
Realising there was no “magic pill” but with her husband Sean’s support, they researched and designed a program that within 2 months had Penelope bounce back to health. They are the recharge specialists!
I’ll also be giving a talk about the art of receiving. It’s my first networking event for Business Women Ignite! (Btw you don’t have to be a business woman to attend.)
You’ll know if this talks to you. We only have a few free tickets left – book here so you don’t miss out – and I look forward to meeting you!
Mark this in your diary…
++Wednesday 29th November SYDNEY.++
There will also be beautiful food available and time to network with like minded women.
Our Group is Growing Fast – Join Us Here xxx
Here’s our private room next week complete with Florence Broadhurst wallpaper + velvet couches – I’m in LOVE!
Have a beautiful week!

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