Your sunshiny happiness is the most important thing about you – because it’s you at your best! Not feeling it? Drop what you’re doing right now – the doing, the trying the…And just for the briefest of moments come with me…
You see it’s easy to forget how beautiful you are when the man in your life is pre-occupied with something else at the moment and isn’t really seeing you..
- It’s easy to forget how brilliant you are at what you do when the people around you aren’t noticing you….
- It’s easy to let disappointment rule your future choices when things haven’t been going your way…
- and it’s very easy to forget about your sunshiny happiness when surrounded by so much media and so many other peoples lives – I mean – can there really be room for it? For you skipping around today? I mean isn’t it a bit frivolous?
Oh yes, fabulously so!
It’s what lifts our planet up!
Silly giggly guffaws
Boundless hugging
Crazy stupid embarrassing dancing (you know what I mean!)
What if you and me threw our arms up into the air – shooting a bright shimmery light of happiness into the sky – what if we did it?
And what if we all threw our heads back laughing today till we almost peed our pants? Would this world be a lighter place? You can bet your slightly damp knickers it would be!
So here’s to damp knickers and laughing till tears roll down our faces!

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