Heal the Patterns that Hold You Back after Narcissistic Abuse
Stop repeating the same cycles and
Start receiving the love, support, and success you deserve.
You’re ready to break the painful patterns that narcissistic abuse left behind, where you:
- Attract one-sided relationships that leave you feeling unseen, unheard, and unvalued.
- Silence your needs, afraid of being “too much.”
- Have a business that takes more than it gives to you.
- Minimise your feelings, just as the narcissist did.
- Give 80% in relationships and receive 20%.
This is The Narcissistic Template® at work – the unspoken “yes” that keeps attracting people and situations that take more than they give.
This template keeps you stuck treating yourself the way the narcissist did. Over-giving, gaslighting your own feelings, and struggling to receive.
But here’s the truth: The Narcissist saw your Power Before You Did
Are you ready to Release The Narcissistic Template®?
Because, this Course is for the woman who:
Introducing The Narcissistic Template® Method
Over 8 weeks, you’ll release the subconscious patterns created by narcissistic abuse and over-giving so you can:
Receive 2 x More Support, Love, and Success Without Doing More
Break Free From the Patterns of the Past
Unshakeable Confidence and Trust Your Inner Guidance System
Act from Your Sovereign Power
Love notes
I’ve since manifested a couple of higher paying clients…
“In working with Marina and her insights, I cranked up the engine and lifted off the constraints. I’ve since manifested a couple of higher paying clients who I’m thrilled to team up with, and invitations to be part of a couple of magnificent ventures with loads of potential and getting to play with kindred spirit colleagues in the process.
If your well is running dry however that looks in your world, you would do well to examine what Marina has developed for overcoming the Narc Template in all facets of your life and work. It’s truly transformative work if you embrace what she’s sharing and put it into practice for yourself.”
Releasing the Narc Template is priceless…
“The information found in this course heals many deep traumas, wounds and releases programs of self sabotage and unworthiness.
Releasing the Narc Template is priceless.”
My student roster is full…
“Marina’s Course has helped connect me with my inner fire and HIGHER/TRUE SELF again for the first time on a long time. I was shut down in many ways & this course helped to crack open the door. My boundaries with myself are way better now and I’m being much more consistent with them. I’m also aware of when I’m in the Narc Template and how it keeps me from receiving. I’m now desiring things more cleanly and my receiving has increased particularly in the area of support.
I have more volunteers and student teachers at my school and my student roster is full.
What I’m doing differently now is that I’m putting my needs first for the first time in my life and I’m constantly checking in with myself to see what I need. I am also saying no to
Narc behaviors and people…no to rescuing and feeling responsible for people and no to toxic behaviors. I enjoyed the entire course…Marina is empowerment personified! I loved the format, the different focus each week, the healing sessions, the opportunity to heard and seen, the community. It was a truly beautiful experience.”
Our Desire
To Release The Narcissistic Template® from your relationships and life so you receive 2 x love, 2 x support and 2 x success easily. Most people who take action on what I layout can expect to receive much more easily in 8 weeks or less.
get immediate access!
Release The Narcissistic Template® so you receive love, support and abundance, easily.
You get:
8 x 90min Transformative Modules
- Heal the core patterns created by narcissistic abuse.
- Learn practical and emotional tools to create lasting change.
4 Live Coaching Power Hours
- Get direct guidance from Marina to integrate the teachings.
2 Emotional Release Splurge Sessions
- Release feelings and recharge your energy
Immediate Access to Core Materials
- Start your healing journey as soon as you enroll
- Lifetime access to the 8 modules of The Narcissistic Template® Course
Private Community Support
- Be seen, celebrated, and supported in a safe and loving environment in our private FB group
Optional: Private Session with me
- Work 1:1 with Marina to dive even deeper into your transformation
Watch the modules when it suits you during these 8 weeks. We’ll get together on Zoom the first Wednesday of each month at 4pm UK time and Telegram the third Wednesday of each month in your time zone for Power Hour. It’s live laser coaching where I answer your questions, give you downloads and teach on a theme each month.
If you can’t make it live, you can submit your questions ahead of time so I can answer you. There will also be a Zoom replay.
You’ll receive two months exclusive access to The Flourish Collective.
If you would like to continue having access to the live classes, you are welcome to upgrade after the 2 month mark to become a member of The Flourish Collective.
What Do you Get in Each Module?
Module 1: Power
Recognise where you’re giving 80% and only receiving 20% back in interactions. Reclaim your power. The Shadow Alchemy and Narcissistic and Goddess Template® Method. Apply The Goddess Template® and put the power back in your hands in any situation.
Module 2: Receiving
Your problem isn’t that you can’t receive, it is that what you’ve received WAS abuse – so why would you? Shadow Alchemy and The Narcissist and Goddess Template® Method and Coaching to re-align you to what receiving is, so you are safe to receive hugely without contracting and sabotaging yourself.
Module 3: Manifesting and Money
When you’ve been in survival mode for so long – you live in defence rather than in manifestation because you have no energy to. You’re a lone ranger, doing it on your own instead of collaborating. You do and give rather than have and receive. When you manifest you’re also normalising and assuming attack, backlash, people being hard work, “it” just won’t work out. You cannot manifest whilst in the Narcissistic Template®. Releasing of root causes and manifesting in your Manifesting Room. Alchemy. Uncovering your natural ability to manifest. Re-visit energetic boundaries. Vibrate out the Light Template. Visualising Desire Process.
Module 4: Goddess
Stop treating yourself like a narcissist, start treating yourself like a Goddess. Be in your power around narcissists or people you over-give to. Shadow Alchemy. Goddess Activations. Connect to your feminine power and live from this potent point! Practical exercises.
Module 5: Boundaries
Practical and particularly energetic boundaries are needed for sensitives who find themselves negatively impacted by other people. Boundaries are also needed when we have more empathy for someone else than for ourselves. Learn how to be in a room and witness people without absorbing their moods, energy, vibration so you do make the right decision for yourself and keep your vibration high. Activate practical boundaries so you are empowered to say NO without fearing the backlash. 8-Year-old-self Meditation. Boundary Coaching. Narcissistic and Goddess Template® Method.
Module 6: Reciprocal Relationships
Releasing what you’ve become used to (non-reciprocal relationships) and receiving reciprocal relationships who love, cherish and support you and see your worth and pay for it in business, who refer to you instead of emulating you, who want to invest in your business and see you win. Basic Business Narc Checklist, releasing Cognitive Dissonance in your Business. Shadow Alchemy and Coaching to dissolve the old imprints of your childhood that are making non- reciprocal relationships your norm.
Module 7: Self-Support
Back yourself for the first time. Stop fooling yourself. Release self-doubt, procrastination, fear, self-sabotage, release being the supporter and not the supported. Get into action for yourself. This is Action Week. Step into your power.
Module 8: Normalising
This is the most important pillar of all – it is where we normalise the shifts so we BECOME the light leader we are born to be, to make IMPACT now. Normalising 2 x the money, 2 x the support and 2 x the success. E.g. I normalise walking in emotional safety as my norm rather than bracing for attack. The Conscious and Subconscious Normalisation Process, activations, Shadow Alchemy.
more Love notes
“I finished the 8-week experience and I can’t recommend it highly enough.
Marina gives so much of her personal attention to EACH person. Even in a group program, Marina gives individualized attention, provides intuitive and insightful comments, and leads every step of the way. I see many changes in myself during to working with Marina for the past 2 months:
I am more confident, I didn’t even know that I had subtle pessimism or depression, but I have let go of some really unnecessary thoughts & energies, I am taking action in my business and life daily, I have a way higher self-esteem and self-love, and I made some tough choices in my business that were not honoring myself and actually started putting myself and my needs first, so that I feel supported in my business.
As a healer and an intuitive coach myself, I really honor and admire what Marina shares with her clients.”MARIYA, BOSTON
some more Love Notes!
Marina has made the biggest change in my business, my mindset and business has totally shifted since working with her.
I always knew my work was powerful and transformational but somehow I still had those old stories of not being good enough, the imposter syndrome, that bullshit mindset that held me back.
Working with Marina has helped me step into my full power. This power has enabled me to take inspired action and call in bigger amounts of money.
During my time working with Marina I’ve had online 5 figure launches, booked out clients and created multiple programs and courses directly as a result of the work I’ve done with her.
She helped me step into my confidence, clear my money blocks, clear the traumas and unhealed parts that were holding me back from stepping into full alignment to be the best version of me I could be and thrive in my business.
I know I wouldn’t be where I am right now without her help. Every session continues to blow me away and take me to the next level in my business. I can’t recommend Marina enough and am SO grateful to the life changing work she does.
I have to say that she is genuinely the BEST Integrative Life Coach I have ever worked with…
“I have been working with Marina this year and gained SO MUCH from the experience. If you know me personally then you are very aware that I am a life-long learner and adore incorporating new ways of thinking and being.
Marina J is a powerhouse of knowledge, clarity, wisdom and support who is totally real in her delivery and offerings. I have to say that she is genuinely the BEST Integrative Life Coach I have ever worked with (and this is massive, in a world inundated with coaches, healers, teachers etc. where it isn’t easy to know who is the real deal!)
Through asking the questions and really considering my energetic boundaries I feel so much lighter and freer and not weighed down by the energies and emotions others around me are going through. For the first time I think I am learning how to truly be in each moment and the importance of how to truly love myself in a new and profound way.”
… more Love notes!
The work Marina does is genuine, authentic, and powerful!!
I love working with Marina she is such a beautiful and inspiring soul. The work she does is truly authentic and that makes it that much more powerful. At the time I joined, I was feeling so disconnected from myself and what I really wanted and needed. I am very grateful for Marina and the work she does and I have had huge shifts since joining her course.
The Igniter course assisted me in seeing how my childhood experiences of being surrounded by narcs my entire life meant I had adopted survival skills related to over giving.
I carried this with me into all my relationships and it was draining my energy and life force filling everyone else up but neglecting my self and my own needs.
I have learned to love my feminine sensual self and truly connect with her needs, wants, and desires. I have been able to truly hear myself and my guides more clearly since clearing away all the distractions of everyone’s wants and needs. I was finally able to ask for support and get it in the most loving and beautiful way and receive it. There has been so many beautiful and powerful shifts from taking this course. I can’t express the amount of love and gratitude I have… Thank you Marina!
If you are ready to have massively beautiful shifts take her course!! The work Marina does is genuine, authentic, and powerful!!
Doing Marina’s course is one of the best investments I’ve made…
“I’ve waved goodbye to underpaid work. I will no longer undervalue myself, my work, my energy therefore potentially jeopardising my health and wellness – no thanks to that! I’m in the process of realigning my business so I can work in a more integrated way – I was blocking my own flow of money, as an empath / light worker and healer, I was so used to giving so much of myself away to others and being left exhausted and lately really ill.
To me, creating more money meant giving more of my time and energy up, which I felt I just didn’t have leaving me feeling overwhelmed, alone & stuck, now I know this isn’t the case. I have released myself and my business from the Narc Template. I completely feel the universe has my back. Money has arrived in unexpected areas.
My intuition, seeing and feeling has increased. I feel more sensitised and pleasured. I am relocating to a new area in a beautiful apartment that I manifested as I started the course. I’ve waved goodbye to the unnecessary glasses of wine, as a way to wind down, release and give myself a pat on the back. I don’t need to do that anymore.
I feel stronger in my boundaries, putting myself and my self care first as my diary gets busier with collaborations and work which I’m finding so much more joy in.
I wished to manifest more travel. I’m writing this from Glastonbury and in a few weeks I fly to Turkey for a week with friends before I move. I feel more adventures world wide coming for sure. My kids are happy and excited for the relocation. I’m happy, grounded, full of hope, I’ve even given up my daily cup of coffee cos I literally just don’t need it !
If you’re unsure in whether to do this, from me to you … DO IT Dive in. You will never look back Marina’s the real fucking deal.”
Why did I almost quit being a life coach back in 2017?
I knew I was running the NARC Template in my business life when no matter how good I was, my clients lives grew, but my business didn’t. They were creating incredible lives, yet their expansion, oddly didn’t expand my business, it just didn’t trickle through. Like you, I’m a lightworker and like you I’m here to make big impact. So this doesn’t make sense. And then I realised something; what if I was applying what I’d learnt as a child to my business?
That it was normal to over-give and under-receive? That that template that I’d created as a child to stay safe was now snugly fit over my business? If I could just show up and give and do what I came here to do? Then I was safe. I could count on my clean energy going out – I just didn’t want any dirty energy coming back to me. So naturally, I began to block receiving. Which then set me up for a lifetime of:
1. Lone Wolf Syndrome: Supporting others but not being supported back. (It’s how I developed a curvature of the spine – Scoliosis – I will support you but not me.)
2. Non-reciprocal relationships: The 80/20 rule. I will give 80% in any interaction, and you only need to give 20% back and I will be happy with that. For years.
3. Narcs: Watching the false lights receive the support, recognition and money whilst the true lights like me and my coaching friends receive the opposite.
Just like narcissistic abuse when it’s all about them but never about you – running The Narcissistic Template® is exhausting. And it means you can’t do what you came here to do. No matter how much you give to your business, it’s a bottomless pit. Your business takes from you but does not give you the support, love and money you put into it. And this may have been going for decades. I almost gave up in December of 2017!
If you’ve tried so many things you are not alone -holaaaa! I’m right there with you AND I also know NOW how to get out of it. I’m seeing more lightworkers have this than any other group of people – simply because they’ve endured the most narcissistic abuse.
When I figured out what was happening and released what I began calling – “The Narcissistic Template” – my business GREW 5 times that year! I didn’t do anything else differently. I just switched on my ability to receive. In a super specific way that’s needed after narcissistic abuse!
Got Questions?
We’ve got answers…
Will this work for me?
This works best if you’ve healed from narcissistic abuse in your own personal life or walked away from one-sided relationships and are ready to release it from your relationships and your business. You run a business or have a life’s purpose where you are giving but not receiving. You may be an established coach, consultant, healer or mentor, or a service-based provider; you may identify as a light worker or conscious leader who would love to learn how to receive more money, support and success to assist you in fulfilling your vision for this planet.
How quickly will I see results?
When you commit to this process and take aligned actions – life will change. Knowing how to get into the vibration of receiving and staying there? Is a gamechanger! Many women have breakthroughs during the first module, with lasting transformation by the end of the course.
What is Shadow Alchemy?
Shadow Alchemy (Shadow Work) teaches you to fall in love with resistance, ego, blocks, fear, and self-sabotage so they have no power over you anymore. So, when something comes up? You know how to dissolve it and open up your highest potential for yourself, quickly.
What is The Narcissistic Template® and The Goddess Template® Method?
I am the creator of both The Narcissistic and Goddess Template® Method and they use your natural energy to heal deeply and manifest quickly through activations, embodiment of your feminine power and releasing anything that’s in your way… from past lives to beliefs, soul contracts and disempowering programs. We will use these modalities so you can become your highest timeline.
I already do a lot of self-healing. How is Shadow Alchemy and The Narcissistic Template® different?
Shadow Alchemy and The Narcissistic Template® methods don’t just heal – they transform your inner world in ways that profoundly shift what you experience outside of you. With over 25 years of experience in metaphysics, healing, and meditation, I can say with certainty: there’s nothing else like this. I know because I created it.
You won’t find this anywhere else. The women who’ve taken this course have married the man of their dreams, doubled their income and impact, and called in the kind of humans who make their hearts sing. This is life-changing work that creates results beyond what you thought was possible.
What if I can’t connect to my feminine power or hear anything?
Don’t worry Goddess – I’ve got you! After 20 years of coaching women to transform, I have a 100% record on you coming home to yourself and hearing yourself deeply. You’re in a safe space and will feel very held and loved. If you think you’re ready, you’re ready. Even if you’re a bit scared!
I run a business, is this for me?
Yes, it’s for business owners and leaders who KNOW they’re meant to be receiving at least twice as much!
I don’t run a business, is this for me?
Yes gorgeous woman – if you know you are ready to become HER, the woman who receives everything she wants easily, this container is for you!
What is the time commitment?
Each recorded module is between 90 – 120mins long and rich in content to get you stepping into your receiving power. You can watch these when you like.
In the live Power Hour Classes – I’ll coach you live on what’s happening in your life, answering your specific questions – these are typically 60 – 120 mins. Splurge classes are 60 mins.
On the replay you will receive the same energies and activations as the live class as energy never “goes” anywhere!
What happens once I pay?
You’ll receive a welcome email with everything you need to know, private FB access, class schedule, and Zoom links. The FB group is optional, though I highly recommend it for support. I’ve had clients in the past create FB profiles just for the course and then close them again.
You’ll get immediate access so you can begin right away!
Hi, I am Marina!
I coach women to flourish after narcissistic abuse, relationship difficulties and women who are ready to up-level fast. I guide women to uncover the hidden shadows that typical therapy, mindset strategies, or self-care habits won’t address so that you RISE and become the fabulous woman you were born to be!
I’ve activated women who want to step into their innate power and transform the relationship they have with themselves and painful dynamics with others into receiving easily in relationships, in becoming the powerhouse they know they are and in having the kind of boundaries, high standards and expansion for themselves, that really turn them ON.
I’m the creator of The Narcissistic Template Method®. I’m the #1 best-selling author of the book “Turn Yourself On”, podcaster and for 20 years a Certified Integrative Life Coach and for 25 years a Yoga and Meditation Teacher.
My specialities are Integrating the shadow with Shadow Alchemy, the Narc and Goddess Template® Method, The Akashic Records, Activations, and Metaphysics.
I am deeply spiritually connected but I also love to swear! So when I say you’re fabulous, I mean you’re fucking fabulous!
I LOVE what I do… helping you to turn your power, transformation and yes, fabulousness ON! You can RISE with me through private coaching, courses, my book, podcast and free masterclasses in my FB group.